Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sui Generis – 41


"That's a relief." Feeling better now about at least that, Mag leaned back against the SUV, watching when Brand and Randulf shifted. "You're very handsome," he said softly, studying Brand. Brand dipped his head in response as if saying 'Thank you'.

::First,:: Mag heard Randulf say, ::we'll test your senses.:: He lifted his massive head, scenting the air. ::There's a squirrel close by. Tell me where.:: Mag didn't hear Brand's response but he must have found it because Randulf nodded. ::Now, find the fox.:: There was a brief pause. ::You're not going to if you don't hunt for it. It's not standing around watching us,:: Randulf said somewhat dryly.

As Mag watched, Brand moved across the clearing into the trees after lifting his head to sniff, his ears cocked forward. A few minutes later, Randulf said, ::Very good. Now follow the deer and try not to let it know you're there.::

"He's not going to kill it is he?" Mag asked, suddenly understanding that in his wolf form Mag was a real predator who, if left on his own, might do just that and dine on the carcass.

There was a chuckle then Randulf said, ::Mag would prefer you not have the deer for supper.:: A second later he told Mag, ::He went 'yuck', so I suspect the deer is safe enough.::

That part of the training continued for a while longer as Randulf determined just how strong Brand's senses were as a wolf. Then he had Brand return and they both shifted.

"You did well," Randulf complimented Brand. "Most newly created werewolves don't have nearly the sense of smell and hearing you already do. Now, in your human form, can you point out where the family of chipmunks is hiding?"

Brand tilted his head and actually sniffed the air the way he had in his wolf form. "Off to the right, about two hundred yards from here, I think. I'm not certain about the distance."

"Close enough—and impressive."

"Maybe my dhampir half is enhancing the werewolf in me?"

"That would be my guess," Randulf agreed. "Brand, wait here a minute, please. Mag, come with me." Randulf led Mag over to the SUV, telling him, "I'm shielding my words from him. I want you to tell him something you did while he was missing. Something you haven't told him. But, lie about one part of it."

"I… okay." Mag thought for a moment and nodded. When they got back to where Brand was waiting, Randulf told them to stand with their backs to each other. They did, although Brand seemed reluctant to a first, until Randulf told him it was another test. Mag began telling Brand about the night he had had to fend off a man who was quite certain—because Mag was in an alley well after midnight—that he was either selling drugs, or himself, to make some money.

Brand listened, obviously not happy with the story at first. At the end, he shook his head. "None of what you said happened after the man approached you is true. I don't know what he did want, but it wasn't what you're saying."

"It was so," Mag protested vehemently.

"You're lying again, I can tell." He turned to look at Randulf. "How?"

"It's one of the things most of us can do—with humans. When you've been a werewolf for a while, you'll also be able to do it with us, if the lie is blatant enough."

"Oh boy," Mag muttered, "there goes any chance of my surprising you on your birthday, Brand."

Brand laughed, then sobered. "It also means I know you're telling the truth when you say you care about me."

"You doubted it?" Mag replied a bit petulantly.

"Not at all, but still—now I know for damned sure it's the truth, if that makes sense."

"I guess it does," Mag said, but he didn't feel too happy about the fact that he couldn't say the same about Brand. Not that I doubt him, but….

::He cares very deeply for you,:: Randulf told Mag. ::Trust me on that. Oh, don't worry, I wasn't reading your mind. I told you I wouldn't. You have a very expressive face.::

Mag nodded then, impulsively, he moved to Brand and kissed him. Brand looked surprised but seemed to have no problems returning the kiss.

"Now that that's settled, can we continue?" Randulf asked.

For the next hour, Randulf tested Brand's strength, speed, and agility in both his human and werewolf forms. At times he told him how he could improve one or the other when he was a wolf and taught him some tricks for moving more silently and stealthily. Finally, he deemed it time to stop and head back to the city.

"Did I pass?" Brand asked, obviously worried.

"With flying colors, but then I was certain you would."

"You're very impressive, as far as I'm concerned," Mag added. "Scary in what you can do, but impressive."

"Scary is good," Randulf told them both. "However, Brand, you are to keep your abilities hidden unless you have to use them. Never tip off the enemy what you're capable of. That means no showing off in your human form either."

"I understand, and I won't. Well, maybe other than mind-speaking to Mag while I'm doing other things." He grinned and winked.

"When you learn how," Mag pointed out.

::Like now?::

"Oh hell."

Brand and Randulf laughed at Mag's consternation.

"Will I be able to mind-speak to him?" Mag asked. "It's not fair if it's not a two-way street."

"Doubtful, but who knows. Stranger things have happened when a human and a werewolf care deeply for each other. Time will tell, I guess."

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