Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sui Generis – 35


Mag woke the next morning, wondering if there was any part of his body that didn't hurt. Well, any part above his waist. Thankfully, his legs were fine as he needed to go to the bathroom in the worst way. Inching off the bed, he made what, at the moment, seemed like a mile-long walk down the hall to the bathroom. After taking care of the most pressing business, he looked at himself in the mirror over the sink.

Blue, yellow, and puce are so not my favorite skin colors. But it could be worse. At least I'm alive.

He stripped off his jeans, went to the shower, and turned the water on as hot as he could stand it. Stepping under it, he let it beat on his aching body. 

"Want some company?" Brand asked from the other side of the shower curtain.

Mag gulped when his cock responded positively to Brand's question. "I… sure… I guess."

Brand chuckled, pulling aside the curtain just enough to join Mag without letting the water spatter out. "Damn," he growled, raking his gaze over Mag. "You look like you lost a fight with Mayweather."


"A boxer." Brand gently touched Mag's chest, pulling his hand back when Mag hissed. "Sorry. I was going to help you get washed and maybe—" he glanced down at Mag's cock, "—with other things, but I don't think that's happening."

"I'm not fragile," Mag replied with both asperity and the need for what Brand was offering. "Maybe I'm only a human but…" He didn't get to finish his thought because Brand was kissing him then—very carefully, but definitely thoroughly. Any aches and pains he'd been feeling seemed to vanish in that instant and he returned the kiss wholeheartedly.

"You know," Brand said, breaking the kiss but keeping one hand at the nape of Mag's neck, "there is nothing wrong with being human. You have no problem letting your emotions out."

"With the right person." Mag traced his finger along Brand's jaw, smiling at him. "Now that all this is over, I suspect you'll have an easier time of it yourself."

"Maybe, but right now I have other things to worry about."

Mag tried to step away but Brand wouldn't let him. So he asked fearfully, "What?"

"How I'm going to make love to you without hurting you," Brand replied, quite seriously.

"Oh. Well. I… umm."

Brand grinned. "That left you almost speechless."

Mag ducked his head, feeling embarrassed. "It shouldn't have. It's not like we haven't before."

"Ah," Brand replied, "but before we were just screwing. This time I want to make love to you."

Looking at Brand, Mag whispered, "So do I. Want to make love, that is. I mean… to you."

"Are you sure you're… well, I won't say up for it because that's obvious from one standpoint." He stroked the palm of his hand up Mag's hard cock. "I meant it when I said I don't want to hurt you any more than you are."

"I wish I was like you."

Brand smiled. "That was sort of out of the blue but I think I get what you mean, at least when it comes to healing." He shivered, reaching behind him to turn off the water that had become decidedly cool now. Pushing back the shower curtain, he stepped out, waiting for Mag to join him. Snagging a towel from the rack, he used it to dry Mag, being extra cautious around the bruises on his torso and face. When he was done, he quickly dried himself then took Mag's hand, leading him to his bedroom.

"You should be all right on your back, if I'm…"

"So help me if you say careful…" Mag muttered. He stepped close to Brand, wrapping his arms around him tightly, ignoring the sharp twinges where his chest met Brand's, but not the erotic flames that spread through him when their cocks rubbed together. "Kiss me, then fuck… no, make love to me."

Brand did both, quite expertly, with Mag's willing participation.

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