Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sui Generis – 39


Brand asked, "If she's so good at hiding, how are we going to catch her?"

"Presuming she does end up in this territory, I'm sure Antton will come up with something. He's very good at that. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be in charge."

"Couldn't the same be said for any of the top Enforcers?"

Randulf nodded. "It could, but he's exceptional." He stopped pacing, leaning his elbow on the fireplace mantle. "Enough of that for now, Brand. I have to teach you how to use your werewolf abilities, beyond shifting and returning fully clothed, which I know you've already mastered. Are you free for the rest of the day?"

"Until class, yes. Mag should go to work, though, before his boss thinks he's taken a permanent leave of absence."

Mag chuckled. "He probably already thinks that, so if you don't mind, Randulf, can you drop me off there? It's not far from our place."

"You could quit, you know," Brand said. "I wasn't kidding when I told you I've got some money and now that you know why…"

"I think we still have to work. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain how we survive."

"Once the council gives their approval, Brand will go onto the payroll as a member of 'Ochoa Protection Services'," Randulf told them. He chuckled. "It pays very well."

"You're serious? There's a company for what we do?"

"Of course," Antton said, coming back into the room. "Mine. We need a front and what better one than a security company?"

"Makes sense to me." Brand grinned. "Do I get a badge and a gun?"

"Please say 'no' on the gun. He's dangerous enough as he is," Mag grumbled.

Antton chuckled. "The badge, yes. As for a weapon, Brand, you already have one that's much more effective against the sort of people you'll be going after."

Brand sighed. "True, but a gun…"

"Would be fairly useless, unless you caught a werewolf in their human form. And before you ask, the council welcomes you to the Enforcers."

"Woot!" Brand gave a fist pump, grinning when Mag hugged him tightly and said, "Congratulations—I think."

"Yes, they are in order," Randulf said before turning to Antton. "We should set them up in a new house—one that's well protected, for both their sakes."

"Consider it done. I'll call you when I know where but for now. I think you should take them off somewhere safe and start Brand's lessons."

"I have to get to work," Mag pointed out.

"Sorry to have pulled rank on you, which I did, Mag. You are now officially employed by my firm as well, just as Brand is, and I'm giving you a couple of days before you need to report for duty."

"Now just a damned minute here! Don't I get a say in this?" Mag asked tightly. "I liked what I did, as menial as it was."

"You can say thank you," Antton replied, looking at Mag with a bit of amusement. "It's a good job, it pays well, and gives you a reason to be with Brand when necessary."

"Yeah, like I can fight vampires and werewolves." Mag touched his bruised cheek. "You can see how well I do that."

"You did exactly what you were supposed to, young man, and when you've been trained in self-defense, you'll be prepared to do more."

"I thought this was going to be Brand's training, not mine. I'm not one of you."

"You're part of Brand's life. A very important part, if I'm not mistaken. So as I told you earlier, it behooves both of you if you're able to defend yourself, Mag. I'll set it up with one of my people to work with you."

Mag nodded. "I see your point, but I still don't like that you went behind my back about my job."

Antton shrugged. "Get used to it. I run this area with a tight hand. I expect all of my people to do as they're told and that includes you."

Brand put one hand on Mag's shoulder. "I'll quit if this makes you so unhappy," he told him softly.

Mag looked at him for a long moment then shook his head. "They need you. I'll get over it. I mean his highhanded treatment of me. But so help me—" he glared at Antton, "—if we don't like the house you get us, you'll keep looking until you find one that we do."

Antton laughed. "Deal. Now out of here, all of you. I have work to do."

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