Saturday, May 18, 2024

Never Again – 24


Joseph wouldn't know the answer to his question for two weeks.

In the interim, he worked on the sites with the rest of the team, under the direction of Steve Wood, the man who ran things when Cal wasn't available. Mr. Wood was an older man who had, according to the Rebuild files, signed on soon after Cal started the organization. A local contractor, he wanted to do something to help restore the city following the devastation wrought by Katrina. He saw his opportunity with Rebuild after getting frustrated with all the hoops the city had forced him to jump through when he tried it on his own.

One evening after work, Steve asked if Joseph wanted to stop for a couple of beers. Surprised, Joseph agreed. They ended up at a corner table in a small local bar. After their drinks arrived, Steve leaned back to survey the room before turning his attention to Joseph, saying, "Rumor has it you and Cal are friends."

"I'm not certain I'd go that far. We ate lunch together a couple of times when I first started with Rebuild, and he seems to trust me enough to ask my opinion sometimes. That's about it."

"That sounds about right, knowing him. He always has been one to keep to himself."

"I take it you might have known him before all this?"

Steve nodded. "When he first returned to civilian life, he got a job with my company. He was good and caught on fast, but—"

"He has a temper and doesn't control it well at times. Yeah, he told me. So you let him go, I take it."

"I had to. He got in fights with a couple of my guys. The first time, I let it pass but not the second." Steve shook his head. "I felt guilty later when I found out he'd ended up on the streets, but at the time I figured he wasn't worth keeping around."

"I doubt anyone would blame you, even Cal."

"He didn't. When I showed up, telling him I was willing to lend my expertise and donate time to Rebuild, he pretty much greeted me with open arms." Steve chuckled. "Well, as much as he'd do that with anyone." He took a long pull on his beer before saying, "You're probably wondering what this is all about."

"Definitely. I don't think you brought me here just for my company."

"Pleasant as it is, no, I didn't. He needs someone like you around."

"I'm not planning on going anywhere."

"Good, but that's not quite what I meant."

Joseph chuckled. "Didn't think it was. However, I can hardly force my friendship on him. It's really his choice if he wants to trust me or not, beyond my working for him."

Steve sighed, pointedly looking around the bar. Wondering what he was searching for, Joseph looked as well. Then it hit him and he almost got up and left before he lost his temper. Although there were a few women, parts of mixed couples, the majority of the customers were male, which might not have been surprising at a local bar except for one thing, the majority of the men were quite obviously with other men. Not blatantly, but enough so that Joseph wondered how the hell he hadn't picked up on that from the moment they walked in.

Not expecting it, he thought wryly, even though he was pissed. When Steve returned his attention to him, Joseph said acidly, "This is what you meant by his needing someone like me. What the hell makes you think I'm one of them?" He nodded pointedly to one pair of men.

"I know Brian Craig."

"Hell, is there anyone in the city he doesn't know? And why would knowing him make you think I'm gay. And if I were, which I'm not admitting to, why do you think it would matter to Cal, other than to push him as far away from me as possible?" Joseph knew the answer to that one from the brief talk he'd had with Cal—if he could even call it a talk. But he wanted to hear Steve say it.

Steve rolled his beer between his hands, apparently trying to figure out how to reply. Finally he said, "First off, I've known Brian for a long time. He happened to mention soon after he met Beth, by way of nothing particular, that her uncle was gay. Very closeted, but gay. I shrugged it off, figuring it didn't matter one way or the other in this city. Besides which, I never thought I'd run into you."

"Okay, I'll buy that, I guess. It still doesn't answer my second question."

"Cal's gay, Joe. He's just as closeted as you but with good reason. Or more he had a good reason while he was in the army and it's carried over into his civilian life."

"He told you this?"

Steve nodded. "Right after I joined Rebuild, the organization went through a rough spot and he was pissed, worried, and generally uptight. We went out for a few drinks because I figured it might help him relax. Instead he went overboard, got roaring drunk, and began talking about how unfair life was. Everything came out." He shook his head. "The next day Cal didn't remember spilling his guts like that and I never told him. I figured, knowing him, it would only be asking for trouble."

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