Thursday, May 16, 2024

Never Again – 23


Turning his head, Cal frowned at him. "You don't know me. How the hell could you like me?"

"I have good instincts when it comes to people. Under that tough exterior you've built up there's a man worth knowing and liking. At least, that's how I see it."

"Joe, you're stone crazy. For all you know, I'm a worthless piece of shit who's managed to con a lot of people into going along with my grift. Tomorrow I could clean out Rebuild's bank account and be on my way to Tahiti."

"They say Belize is nicer."

Cal shot him a startled look then laughed. "Actually, given my druthers, I'd head to the Greek islands—or maybe Ireland."

"Ireland would be good."

"Ever been there?"

"I've never been out of the country, much to my shame. I was always too busy working to take the time off to travel."

"And yet now when you can, you're here busting your balls to help out people you don't even know and probably never will."

"Same as you, Cal."

"Yeah, except I do know them, at least to some extent. As they say, been there, done that, have the scars to prove it,"

"That rough?"

"It can be. In some ways it can be as bad as Iraq, except no one's trying to blow you to kingdom come or shoot your ass off—usually." He shot a look at Joseph, shaking his head. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Joseph replied innocently.

"Get me talking about… things."

Joseph grinned. "It's a talent."

After starting up the truck, Cal muttered, "One you're quite adept at."

"It is, was, how I earned my living."

As they pulled out of the apartment building lot, Cal asked, "Didn't you ever do anything just for fun? I mean you said you've never traveled, but damn, you didn't just work and go home did you?"

"Pretty much. I'm not exactly social all in all. What do you do, when you're not working?"

"Go home and crash," Cal admitted.

"So we're two of a kind, at least in that respect."

"Only in that respect. Trust me, otherwise we're as opposite as we can be." He paused as he turned onto the street leading back to the work site, frowning. "Hang on a second, you mean you don't have a wife or a girlfriend to keep you busy on your off-hours?"

"Not a one. Like I said, I'm the solitary sort. I know you're not married but what about a girlfriend?"

Cal shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road. "Not my thing."

Leaning back, Joseph looked at him. "As in you think having a woman around is a waste of time except when you need some R&R or they're really not your thing?"

"You know the saying, the one that was in all the papers until just recently. Stick with it, Joe, because I sure do."

It took Joseph a moment to figure out what the hell he was talking about. Then it hit him and he smiled. "Got it. And I won't."

Cal glanced at him for a second. "Ask or tell?"

Joseph chuckled. "Both."

A small smile crossed Cal's lips for a second before his almost perpetual frown returned. "I did sort of wonder, rich boy. Now I know."

"Would you quit with the 'rich boy'?"

"Why? You are."

"Not my damned fault."

"Mine either, and we're here. Hop out so I can go deal with all the paperwork and we can get hold of that building and rebuild it according to all the damned government guidelines."

When Cal pulled to a stop, Joseph did get out, leaning in to say, "Let me know how it goes. Okay?"

"Your money, you'll be the first to know," Cal told him with a slight grin. "Now move it. It won't impress the powers-that-be if I arrive with you hanging out the window."

Laughing, Joseph stepped back. As he watched Cal drive off, he thought, I don't quite know how I did it, but he's finally opening up a bit. Now to see if he regrets it the second he's had time to think.

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