Friday, May 15, 2020

Shadow Men – 65 – Anders and Grant

Someone was shaking Grant. He woke with a start, his hands fisted defensively in front of him.
"Hey, it's just me," Anders said quietly. "You were having a nightmare."
Grant pulled away, frowning as he tried to remember it. Though why he'd want to remember struck him as stupid. But he did want to—and he did remember. It had been a mishmash of Martin's death, someone chasing him who he couldn't seem to escape or hide from, and being tied down while the 'someone' tried to turn him to a pulp, starting with his wrist. It all had been vividly portrayed in black and white and blood red.
With a shudder, Grant nodded. "A bad one."
"Want to tell me? Sometimes it helps."
"It was…just very violent."
"I sort of got that when you started screaming."
Grant winced. "Sorry."
"Hey, no problem. Think you can get back to sleep again?"
With a small smile Grant said he thought so. Anders patted his shoulder before he got up to return to his own bed. It was then Grant realized the man was totally naked and had one fine ass. He turned his eyes away quickly but apparently not quickly enough because he heard Anders chuckle.
"Not like you haven't seen one before," the man said.
Then Grant heard the bedsprings squeak and the sound of Anders pulling up the covers. Relieved, Grant rolled onto his side, his back to Anders, and tried to fall to sleep again. When he finally did there were no more nightmares. Instead he had a dream. It started with him and Martin in their own bed then slowly Martin's image morphed into Anders and the very vanilla sex that Grant and Martin had normally practiced became heated and erotic with the Anders of his dream.
He woke so hard he ached, more than glad it was still night as he inched as quietly as possible from the bed and then silently started toward the bathroom.
"Need some help with that?"
Grant resisted turning to look at Anders. After a sharp shake of his head he made it to the bathroom and as silently as possible, biting back any sounds from his release, finished off what his dream had started.
* * * *
Anders watched Grant walk away. He would have growled aloud, his frustration with the man at the moment was so great, but he was damned sure it wouldn't do anything but make Grant even more uptight, if that were possible.
He was well aware of exactly what Grant was doing, could imagine his hand on his cock as he stroked himself to completion. "Stupid man," he whispered and then was uncertain which one of them was. Grant for avoiding the chance for some real sex and a connection with someone other than his dead partner, or him for even thinking it might be an option. But he was for damned sure going to say something he suddenly decided. It wasn't in him to remain silent. So he stared at the bathroom door and waited.
* * * *
After he turned out the bathroom light Grant opened the door a crack, praying that Anders had gone back to sleep. He was rewarded with the sight of the man leaning against the headboard, his eyes locked on the door. At least, Grant was glad to note, he had the covers drawn up to his waist.
"You can come out now," Anders said tartly. "I'm not going to jump your bones."
"Didn't think you were," was Grant's terse reply as he tightened the last remaining towel around his waist and stepped into the room.
Before he made it to his bed he was stopped by Anders' next words. "There's nothing wrong with wanting some tension release. We've both been through a lot the last few days. It doesn't have to be personal."
"I think that's what clubs are for." Grant was surprised at the sneering tone of his voice.
"I doubt they have one in this burg."
"Then I guess you just suffer or take care of the problem yourself." Grant made it to his bed by then and managed to get under the covers without losing the towel until he had.
"Like you just did? Naw, I'll pass. I prefer my sex man on man, not hand on man."
"Then you're shit out of luck 'til you find a willing one. I'm not into hit and run."
Anders snorted out an amused laugh. "Your language is definitely deteriorating. What happened to the uptight man who would no more have sworn than…than…?"
"What makes you think that? I'm not some prude but I do have a kid so I watch my words."
"Duly noted. Back to the discussion at hand."
"There is no discussion. I'm not letting you fuck me. End of story."
"So you're a bottom, huh? Good 'cause I'm a top."
"Of course, you are." Grant slid down onto his side, resting on his elbow as he studied Anders. When Anders cocked an eyebrow, Grant shrugged. "Just wondering if it would be worth it. Probably not." Rolling onto his stomach he buried his face in the pillow to hide a snicker when he heard Anders mutter, "Fuck you, too". He suspected it was followed by a raised middle finger but didn't bother to check.