Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Shadow Men – 64 – Anders and Grant

"Nice bike," Grant commented after Anders had parked it and come over to join him.
"That's all you can say, 'nice bike'? Look at it. It's top of the line, Grant."
Grant had to admit it was impressive, and it looked more comfortable than the one Anders had when they first met. "Okay, great bike."
"Damned right it is." He ruffled Nicky's hair when he came over and asked if he could have a ride. "When we get back, I promise you will. But now we have to get going." He glanced at Grant. "You packed up?"
"I didn't really unpack much, so yes."
"Same here. Let's get our stuff and hit the road."
Fifteen minutes later, after giving Nicky hugs and kisses and getting the same back, Grant put on his helmet and carefully got onto the bike. Corrie had insisted he keep his arm in a sling while on the bike and had come up with one from the medical supplies that were always kept on hand. He'd groaned but understood her reasoning.
"Ready?" Anders asked, his voice coming through the helmet mike.
"Ready," Grant replied after he'd wrapped his good arm around Anders' waist.
* * * *
It was just getting dark when Anders turned off the highway onto a side road. "We're going to spend the night at a motel so we're fresh when we get to Chicago," he explained when Grant asked.
That was fine with Grant. Though the ride itself had been easy enough, all things considered, his wrist was aching badly. He was also hungry and told Anders as much.
"Let's find a motel first, then supper," Anders replied.
It took a while before they found one that suited Anders. It was on the outskirts of a small town, set back from the road at the edge of a small lake.
"Planning on catching our dinner?" Grant asked once they were in their room, which faced the lake.
Anders snorted as he tossed the saddlebag he'd now returned to using on one of the beds. "Hate fishing. We'll eat in the motel dining room."
With a nod Grant dug his pills out of his backpack and headed to the bathroom for some water to wash them down. When he returned he saw Anders watching him worriedly. "I'm fine," Grant told him.
"Okay, if you're sure. Let's go eat."
* * * *
Supper went swiftly as Anders was almost completely non-verbal. Grant finally decided his mind must have been totally wrapped up in what they were going to do once they arrived in Chicago, although when he asked for details about that, all he got in return was a terse "Working on it."
So, when they got back to their room Grant immediately grabbed what he needed from his backpack and went to shower. When he came out again he saw Anders sitting on one of the beds, dressed only in his jeans, his eyes locked on the television.
It apparently took Anders a moment to realize Grant was standing there with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked Grant over, shook his head, got up and headed to the bathroom, saddlebag in hand.
Trusting much? Grant wondered, knowing the all important papers were in the bag. With a shrug he dropped the towel by the side of the bed, got in, and after pulling the covers up turned his attention to the television. By the time Anders returned, also towel-wrapped and drying his hair with another one, Grant was almost asleep. That didn't stop him from opening his eyes just enough to take a long look at Anders.
"Mind if I turn the TV off now?" Anders asked, even as he picked up the remote from the table between the beds and did so.
"Guess not," Grant replied with a soft snort. Then he turned on his side and soon was dead to the world.


  1. I don’t think Anders was thinking of not trusting Grant but in his work that has become a habit. Plus I’m intrigued by what Anders is thinking about. Grant must like what he is holding on to during the bike ride to be checking the body out.

  2. oh lordy... we got some subtext going on... wishing them luck

  3. I always look forward to these.
