Thursday, April 23, 2020

Shadow Men – 54 – Anders and Grant

"You neglected to tell me something," Grant muttered when he and Anders walked into the lobby. His hair was now two shades darker than it had been two hours earlier, his blue eyes were brown and he wore dark-framed glasses. Anders' normally blond hair was almost ash blond now, his eyebrows so pale as to be invisible. Grant wasn't certain how he'd done it but his teeth seemed more prominent. Not bucked just… bigger some how. Mouth piece of some kind, he figured, surprised it didn't seem to affect his speech.
"Sorry. Habit." Anders replied distractedly as he scanned the people between them and the refreshment bar. Apparently satisfied there was no one within sight to worry about, he put a hand in the small of Grant's back, propelling him forward. "Besides," he whispered, "the dress shirt and tie should have cued you in we weren't going to some dump."
"Guess not," Grant agreed when they reached the bar. People were piled three deep, trying to get their drink of choice and toss it back before intermission was over. "Lucky I happen to like opera."
Anders turned to look at him. "You're kidding."
With a cock of his head, Grant said, "Maybe." He was about to expound on it when a voice next to him said, "Hello, Harry, who's your friend?" It took him a moment to realize the man was talking to Anders.
"One of the guys who teaches with me. How you doing, Daniel? Haven't seen you in a while."
"I'm well. Does your friend have a name?"
"Yes." Anders waited a beat. "Oswald."
Grant was glad he didn't have a drink in his hand. He'd probably have spilled it at that point…on Anders.
The man, 'Daniel', chuckled before turning serious. "Box G-one," he murmured so low that if Grant and Anders hadn't been right beside him they wouldn't have heard him above the din people talking around them. Then, in a normal tone of voice he said, "Good to have seen you again, Harry. We should get together some time soon," and then strolled off.
"Oswald?" Grant muttered.
"Sorry, part of the patter to let him know everything's all right," Anders replied softly then, louder, he said, "Come on, let's forget drinks and get back to our seats. I don't want to miss the start of the third act."
"I agree. The opening aria is not to be missed."
Anders cocked an eyebrow. "I bet you even know what it is."
As Grant had done a fast check to see which opera it was, he did indeed know, and told Anders.


  1. Have they found someone they can finally trust? Oswald is a name you don't come across everyday. LOL

    1. I think the man could be trustworthy. Yep on Oswald, which is why it makes a good recognition word

  2. Intrigue at the Opera.. could be the start of something.

  3. Grant has surprising knowledge.
