Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Shadow Men – 46 – Anders and Grant

"Daddy, look what I made," Nicky proclaimed, pointing at a plate piled high with pancakes. "Well, I stirred them. Corrie cooked them. But I set the table," he said proudly.
Grant gave him a pat on the head. "You did an excellent job," he told him before he asked Corrie, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Yes, sit down and eat, all of you, before it gets cold."
"Told you," Anders said with a smirk.
They all sat, Nicky opting to take the chair beside Corrie, which Grant found both amusing and hopeful. If his son was already becoming attached to her then perhaps he'd more readily accept Grant's leaving him behind.
He found out an hour later when he suggested he and Nicky take a walk around the small clearing that surrounded the house. Nicky thought that was a great idea and for the first few minutes he bounced ahead of his father to explore, returning often with some small treasure or another he'd found.
Finally, Grant called a halt to that with the suggestion they sit on a log at the far side of the clearing for a bit. Nicky, in the way of most children, seemed to understand his father had something to talk about so he sat quickly and looked up at Grant.
"Anders, Steele, and I have to go someplace for a few days," Grant told him.
"And me," Nicky replied instantly.
Grant shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I need you to stay here with Corrie and Rafe." When Nicky looked puzzled, Grant realized he didn't know about Rafe. "You know that Steele was hurt." Nicky nodded. "Well, he has a partner who was as well. He's here, recovering."
Nicky's eyes widened. "Where?" Then he understood. "In the basement where Corrie wouldn't let me go."
"Corrie has to stay to take care of him?"
"Yes, she does, and I think she could use your help."
"Oh…" Nicky chewed his lip. "But…but I want to come with you, Daddy."
Grant lifted him onto his lap. "I wish that were possible but it's not."
"You and them are going after the bad guys."
"Not really," Grant said, knowing if he said they were, Nicky would be afraid of what that would mean. "We just have to deliver some papers to a man."
Nicky's lip began to tremble. "Why can't they do it? Why can't you stay here with me?"
"They need my help so the man will believe them."
"He'd believe me. I can come give them to him." Nicky nodded hard.
Grant sighed. "He probably would but that's not going to happen. You're staying here."
"Daddy, no!"
"Nicky, yes. Please understand, I want you safe and it's safe here. Besides, as I said, Corrie needs your help with Rafe. You're a big boy now, so you'll be a real help to her."
"I…" Nicky looked up at Grant, his eyes teary. "Okay, Daddy." He flung his arms around Grant's neck and hugged him.
Grant hugged him back hard. "Thank you," he whispered. "I love you."
Nicky sniffled as he whispered back, "Love you, too."
After a few moments Grant set Nicky back on his feet. "How about we go inside to let Corrie know you're staying. She can take you down to see Rafe."
Hand in hand they walked back to the house.