Sunday, April 19, 2020

Shadow Men – 52 – Anders and Grant

"Now we wait," Anders said the next evening.
All three men had slept the day away, rising soon after dark. Steele looked much better, the gashes not standing out in vivid relief against too pale skin. And there were many more of those than Grant had realized, visible now since all Steele wore at the moment was a large bath towel wrapped around his waist. It was the same for Anders, as if the two men were used to wandering around in front of each other barely clad. Grant definitely felt overdressed in his last clean pair of jeans.
Anders had chuckled when he first saw the look on Grant's face. "No sense dressing until we know what we're doing."
"Not like I've got all that much to wear anyway," Grant had pointed out.
"Check the closet in your room. There should be a selection there with some things that'll fit. You're fairly average sized."
Grant felt average when he looked at the other two. He was six-foot, they were both at least a couple of inches taller and much more muscular, even Steele despite the fact that he was still recuperating.
"What you lack in size you make up for in smarts," Anders told him.
Grant snorted. "As if."
Anders eyed him thoughtfully then. "You're not all that bad looking, you know."
"For a civilian."
"For a man." Anders winked then headed to the kitchen, leaving Grant standing there flabbergasted.
"Grant," Steele said from where he stood at the window, "don't take that to heart. When he's on a job and at loose ends waiting, he gets like that. It's his way of letting off tension."
"Got it. Thanks for the warning."
Steele nodded.
Unsure what to do, Grant began to pace the living room. "Can I call Nicky?" he asked, suddenly aware he'd promised his son he would.
"Yes, but not on your phone."
"What phone? I left my place with my wallet, keys and the clothes on my back."
"Solves that problem. Go ask Anders for his phone, it should be secure."
"It is," Anders called out from the kitchen. "It's on my dresser."
Grant made what felt like his escape from the two men. He found Anders' cell, then realized he had no idea what number he needed. He heard a chuckle from the doorway. "Hit two". Grant spun around to see Anders leaning against the doorframe. "Figured you'd realize you didn't know it sooner than later," the man said with a smirk before he turned and left.


  1. Is Anders playing with Grant? Trying to blow off some steam before the big showdown? If so I am happy Steele said something but if Anders has changed his ways then I so hoping they get together.

  2. Anders is messing with Grant. I hope they find each other.

    1. Yep, he is. And who knows, there may be something behind it...or not.
