Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Hotel – 46

We got to the shelter about ten minutes before the performance was due to begin. I suggested Edwin find a seat before I headed back stage. As I left him, I saw him stop to talk to a woman and her two children. Whatever he said made the kids look at him in awe and their mother smile.

The show was accepted well by the small audience. It was good to see the women who were there to escape their abusers relax enough to enjoy the comedy and even laugh at times.

I said as much to the troupe after they took their final bows.

"It's why we do this," Phil replied. "Why you brought us all together to begin with."

"And why we'll stick with it even if we have to be pushed on stage in our wheel chairs," Noah added.

"Or walkers," Ramsey said. "Except for Caitlin. She's going to grow old gracefully." He winked at her and she blushed.

"A budding romance?" Edwin whispered as he joined us.

I barely managed to reply, "I think so," before he was mobbed by the troupe. Everyone wanted to know why he was here and how all the people at the hotel were doing.

"I'll tell you after you're out of costume, if you feel like stopping for a drink. I'm sure there's a bar somewhere that won't mind a few crazy people coming in," he replied.

"Us, crazy?" Noah said in mock horror.

"Well, I suppose we can exclude Marsh from that description," Edwin told him. Then he offered to help me and Marsh pack up the lights and their stands, and the set pieces we'd brought for the show. The actors all disappeared into the two rooms they'd been using to dress. They would put their costumes into the wardrobe boxes and then we'd take everything back to the small place I rented that we used for storage and rehearsals.

An hour later, we walked into a local bar we frequented on occasion. It was busy, but we managed to find a table large enough to hold us all if we didn't mind rubbing elbows—literally—or standing until another table became available. When the waitress came over Edwin told us to order whatever we wanted and he'd pay for it. I'd already introduced him to the two temporary cast members, who now listened with interest as the interrogation began again about the hotel and everyone there.

For the most part Kirby listened but didn't join in. I had the feeling I knew why. Seeing Edwin again reminded him of Jenn. She had pled guilty to Tessa's murder under the advice of her lawyer, since she had already admitted she'd killed her. The lawyer unsuccessfully tried to plead it down to involuntary manslaughter, and settled for second degree murder. Jenn had been sentenced to eight to twenty-four years in prison. Kirby had tried several times to visit her there but she'd refused to see him. He had taken that hard at first, but had finally acceded to her wishes and moved on.

After finishing their first drinks, most of the troupe decided to call it a night. Only Phil and Noah remained behind when the rest of us left.


  1. Replies
    1. He is having a hard time, but perhaps things will get better for him.

  2. Yup I’m in love! I’m so glad Edwin came to see Austin! I have been working 15 hours a day I am wiped out! Considering just stopping work ugh!

    1. I remember that feeling. Knowing you, you won't stop, though.

  3. Oh oh how was the family gathering had a lot of fun?

    1. It was great. I got to relax--as much as you can around a two-year-old. LOL
