Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Hotel - 44

Edwin leaned in, so I knew what would come next was something he didn't want anyone around us to overhear. "I don't have to drive to get down here, given what I am."

"Oh," I replied weakly when I got what he meant. "Teleportation or whatever you call it."

"Exactly. All you need to do is call and I'll be here within seconds. That is—" he stared at me, his gaze locking with mine, "—if you want me to."

"Whenever one of us is—"

"Don't say it, Austin. There's more to it, to what I feel for you, than you think. Maybe you don't feel the same. If so, I can accept it, but I hope I'm wrong."

I looked down, whispering, "I don't know. I never… I knew, or thought that what happened was the result of two men who were attracted to each other on a very basic level. I tried to keep my emotions out of it because I was well aware it would end when I left." I looked at him again. "Now, after all this time, you're saying it doesn't have to?"

Edwin nodded. "It took me long enough to figure it out. Especially when I didn't hear from you."

"You never called, either," I pointed out, knowing I sounded waspish.

"I didn't, which was wrong of me, but…" He shook his head. "In all honesty, I wasn't certain you'd want to hear from me. We're…different, in ways that you can never tell anyone, even your closest friends or family. That presents a big barrier for you, if you do care at all for me."

I knew I should tell him I didn't, but it would be a lie and he'd know it. I barely smiled at that thought. I could never lie to him. I suppose on one level that's good. Relationships have to be based on honesty if they're going to work. Damn. Relationships? Was I really ready to consider that? Being involved with a man who was so unlike anyone I'd ever met before in ways that could make or break our being together?

"Maybe we should talk about something else for now," Edwin said. "This is too much, too fast."

He was right. "It always has been with you," I replied drolly, which earned me a small smile in response. So I asked him about the hotel and everyone who worked there. As he told me I studied him as I used to, what seemed like a very long time ago although it had only been last October.


  1. OMFGODDESSS love it! And jeezle beezle of course one needs to take a chance at love. It can’t be thrown away just out of different ways!
