Saturday, July 2, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 26


"I hope you like bacon and eggs," Robin said when Micky came downstairs early the next morning.


"With or without salsa?" Micky replied. Since Robin had a bowl of it set out on the dining room table, it was a legitimate question.


"Your choice."


"My stomach says I should pass, but…" Micky smiled, offering to help if Robin needed it.


"If you'd pour the coffee, please." Robin filled two plates with fried eggs, bacon, and toast, taking them to the table. Micky followed with the coffee and they sat down to eat.


Micky kept glancing at Robin, and Robin was certain he wanted to know what the plan was for the day but was afraid to ask. So, once they finished and had fresh coffee, he said, "I'll be going to Mackenzie's later this afternoon."


"Can't you…" Micky hesitated. "What if he's pissed that his people didn't find me and takes it out on you?"


"Chances are more likely he'll be dealing with that, and I'll be free to do some eavesdropping, if I get lucky."


"But you don't know that." The worry in Micky's expression deepened.




"Then…you don't have to go. Maybe we can… Umm…"


"Yeah, I do. And you're trying to change my mind isn't helping my morale. I'm well able to handle myself, no matter what…what he does." Robin smiled sardonically. "I'm used to it by now." 


"That doesn't make it any better and you know it."


"Micky, drop it," Robin snarled.


"Sorry," Micky whispered.


"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. You're not used to all this."


"And I hope I never will be. Damn it." Micky chewed his lower lip. "Can we…at least talk about other options first?"


Robin nodded, curious to see what Micky might come up with. "Do you actually have any?"


"Well, I did suggest just turning the list over to your people, but… What if you contacted some of the men—I'm presuming they're men—and maybe picked their brains?"


Robin chuckled. "That's one way to put it. Still, you might actually have a good idea there." One I already considered and rejected because it could blow my cover, but perhaps… He went to get the list, which he'd put away in the well-hidden safe next to his desk. After scanning it, he said, "There are two here who might be willing to talk to me if they think Mackenzie sent me. The problem is, keeping them from checking with him first."


"Then don't make an appointment. I mean, if that's what you'd need to do. Find where they hang out and just show up."


Chuckling, Robin asked, "What do you think I am? James Bond?"


"If they're the two men whose names you said you recognized, couldn't you—I don't know—tail them?"