Tuesday, June 27, 2023

18 - Scriostóir


Frustration had Godric pacing the second floor hallway at the house. He was no closer to achieving his goal even though he had been here for two months, and he knew his time was winding down. Too soon he’d be called back to his real duties. Ealdgyđ might have been willing to lend him a hand setting everything up, but that was it. As a campealdor, she had other things that took her full attention, to wit keeping a watchful eye on the Scriostóir under her command. She had only assisted him because an ancient Scriostóir campealdor had ordered her to. There was bad blood between the man and Cerdic, so when Godric had approached him with his idea, he had seen Godric’s quest as a possible way to eliminate Cerdic permanently without it coming back on him.


“Rick, why aren’t you in class?” a deep voice asked from behind Godric.


He spun around to find Gebhard standing there, his arms crossed over his massive chest. “I’m too antsy to give Mr. Shadrick my full attention, so he sent me to work it off.”


“And walking the halls will do that? I think not. Come with me.”


An hour later, Godric collapsed on the mat, feeling as if he’d been put through the wringer. Gebhard stood over him, sneering as he looked down at him.


“You are a weakling, boy. Even Jakie can last longer than you.”


Sitting up, wrapping his arms around his knees, Godric muttered, “Sorry,” keeping his eyes lowered. He was surprised when Gebhard sat down behind him and started to massage his shoulders.


“Do you want to talk?” the workout master asked. “It’s been evident for the last week that something’s bothering you. Is it the work Mr. Wyndham has you doing?”


Godric tensed, not certain how to reply. “The jobs are okay. Easy enough to do. I’m just—I’m still not used to not being able to get out and do what I want. You know what I mean?”


“I do. Most of the boys felt that way for the first month or two. After all, like you they all came here after running free on the streets. It’s a trade-off, Rick. A loss of some freedom in exchange for safety and protection.”


“I guess.” Godric turned around to look at Gebhard. “Don’t you get tired of it too? It seems like you’re always around.”


“Not always. I get time off, just like Mr. Shadrick, but only when Mr. Wyndham is in town.”


Godric kicked himself as he made mental note of that. Somehow he hadn’t been aware that there were times when Cerdic’s two human employees weren’t on the premises. I’m too focused on the details, not seeing the larger picture, he admonished himself. “So you’ll be getting a vacation soon, lucky you,” he said aloud.


“Not a vacation,” Gebhard replied, chuckling. “A day off is all, but at least I’ll be able to go uptown and see my parents for a few hours.”


“Nice,” Godric said as he stood up, stretching as if his muscles still were feeling the pain of the workout Gebhard had put him through. “I guess I should get back to class, although now I’ll probably fall asleep instead of being restless.”


Gebhard laughed. “Somehow I don’t think Mr. Shadrick will let that happen.”


“Probably not,” Godric agreed as he headed out of the gym.


Gebhard watched him leave, a frown on his face, and then with a shake of his head he went back to his duties.   



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