Monday, June 19, 2023

14 - Scriostóir



“Keep a good eye on him,” Cerdic ordered Manny once Rick had been dismissed.


Manny frowned. “Don’t you trust him?”


“So far I have no reason not to, but still there is something about him that worries me. I just cannot put my finger on what.”


Manny smiled a bit. “You say that about everyone, sir, and then they prove you wrong.”


With a chuckle, Cerdic nodded in agreement. “I suppose so. It’s the nature of what I do.”


“Being deep undercover has to be hard,” Manny replied, wondering as he always did if this time Cerdic would use the comment as a way to confirm the supposition all the boys had that that was exactly what the man was, a government agent gathering information for his superiors.


Cerdic smiled, knowing what Manny was trying to do. “Just watch him. If he carries through with the plan then perhaps we have found a replacement for Hamlin. If that turns out to be the case you will be amply rewarded for discovering him.”


Manny grinned ear to ear. He knew what that meant, a chance to get out of the city for a while and stay at Cerdic’s private retreat up north. “He’ll come through, I know he will. Now,” he inched forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees, “what exactly am I looking for while Rick is entertaining that man in the bedroom?”


A few minutes later Manny left the office to look for Rick so that they could make their plans for tomorrow’s job.


Cerdic turned back to the desk with a small feeling of foreboding. Yes, Manny was correct, he never quite trusted a new boy until he had performed several jobs satisfactorily. This time however there was something more that bothered him. He wished he could figure out what it was. Something about Rick niggled at the back of Cerdic’s mind. With a sigh he pushed that thought away. He knew he was probably just overly stressed what with all the irons he had in the fire.


And if there really was something more to Rick than what he seemed to be on the surface, Cerdic knew that he would find it out eventually. He hadn’t lived as long as he had by being careless. For now though he had work to do. With that thought in mind he set to it, an evil smile gracing his lips as he plotted out the next step in the most important scheme he was in the midst of setting up.  


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