Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sing for Their Supper - 51

Over the next three days, Gloria worked hard with the cast on the dances.


"Jolie, you're the horse. Prance, holding your hands up like this." Gloria demonstrated. "Ricky, Roma, you're riding in the imaginary carriage she's pulling. Dena, Bet, twirl the umbrellas as if they're coach wheels. Got it?"


Everyone did as she asked, dancing around the stage as they sang "I'd Do Anything".




After three more tries, Gloria called out, "Perfect. Now do it again."


"If it's perfect," Ricky whispered to Roma, "why the hell—"


"Shush and do it, or we'll be here all morning on just this one song."


That afternoon it was, "Sam, you're trying to play keep-away while the boys are picking your pockets." Gloria demonstrated. "This is a game, but a very serious one. Ricky, dart in. Sam, spin away, in time to the music. The rest of you, do your in-and-out dance moves as you try to get the handkerchiefs out of his pockets. Understand?"


They did, and after they'd gone through the whole sequence four times, she was satisfied.


"Sam, your solo dance is next." She meant "Reviewing the Situation". She'd taught him the steps late yesterday afternoon, then Ricky had worked with him that evening, so Sam had them down perfectly. Much to his obvious relief, he only had to do the song and dance twice for her—and earned her praise when he finished the second time.




"Turn," Peg said. "Lift your arms. Reach forward."


Andy did, telling her, "It's a bit tight across the shoulders."


"I see." She had him take the tailcoat off then handed it to one of her assistants so she could let the back out. "Fran, how does the dress feel?"


"Like it was made for me," Fran replied.


Peg laughed. "Maybe because this one was, unlike the others. Okay, Roma, come out and let me see you."


Roma stepped out of the dressing room, tugging at the neckline of the red dress. "It's awfully low."


Andy whistled, which did nothing for her composure.


"Are you really uncomfortable with it?" Peg asked her.


"Well…" Roma went over to the full-length mirror. "It is kind of sexy, the way it should be for Nancy. I'm just not used to exposing quite so much."


"I can add a bit of lace, if it would help," Peg said.


Roma shook her head. "No. I'll be fine. I just have to think Nancy, not me." She spun around, making the three-quarter length skirt swirl out, revealing the purple petticoat underneath. Holding up one side of the skirt, she did a few of the dance steps from one of her songs, watching in the mirror. Slowly, she smiled. "It works, even when I bend over." Grinning, she added, "They didn't fall out, which is good."