Sunday, August 19, 2018

Guardian Angels – Ambivalent - 12

"It doesn't bother you… what I told you guys about me?" Mike asked hesitantly as he and Paddy walked to the shelter.
"Not in the least. Vic's gay and so is his… I guess they're partners by definition, though not in the Vic's business."
Mike snorted. "If they're that kind of partners it stands to reason he's gay too."
"Yeah, good point."
"What about you?"
Paddy shrugged. "I'm ambivalent. I've tried both and have yet to make up my mind. Probably because I haven't met anyone who put me in a position to have to, one way or the other."
"Paddy, I think the technical term for that is bisexual."
"True. So, yeah, I'm an ambivalent bisexual."
Mike studied him for a moment. "How old are you?"
If I told him the truth, he'd freak. "How old do you think I am?"
"Games?" Mike grinned. "Somewhere between… oh… twenty-eight and thirty-five."
"That's a pretty large span."
"Well you look close to thirty, but you act older, if that makes sense."
"It does. I'm twenty-nine and counting." And as far as appearances go, that's pretty close to the truth.
"I bet you're Irish, or have Irish blood in you."
Paddy chuckled. "The hair?"
"Yeah, for sure. Or at least when I think of the Irish I see either black or red hair. Of course the Scottish tend to be redheads too, I think."
"They do, but I am Irish born and bred, though I haven't been home in way too long."
"By choice?"
Paddy smiled. "Yes, by choice. I emigrated here when I was sixteen, with my family." An outright lie, but what else am I supposed to say. That I died in eleven-sixty-nine and have been all over the world since then? I doubt he'd believe me unless I showed him what I am. And as Vic pointed out that would definitely freak him out.
"Is your family still here?"
"In the States? Yes. They settled in New York, where every good Irishman starts out." Paddy laughed. "At least according to all the movies. I had a strong case of wanderlust so…"
"You became an itinerant private eye."
"In time, once I discovered I was good at keeping people safe and finding out who wanted them…" Paddy paused, not wanting to scare Mike although he suspected the young man wasn't easily frightened. Not after the way he'd lived for the past four years.
Mike shot him a look. "Found? Dead? All of the above? If that's what's on Mr. Keefe's mind I guess I'm glad I have you for a bodyguard now. I mean that is why you're sticking with me. Right?"
"That and… Yeah, to keep you safe and find out who really hired him, and why."
Tilting his head in question, Mike said, "And what?"
And maybe I find you interesting? Insane, and yet… No. I'm just, as he put it, his bodyguard. And while the body belongs to a man who seems to be bright and intelligent and caring, no way am I going to attempt… anything… other than keeping him safe.
Paddy was more than a bit shocked at the direction his thoughts had gone. He hadn't lied when he told Mike he was sexually ambivalent. Hell, the last time I made a decision to test the waters again was… much longer ago than even I want to think about.
"Earth to Paddy, did we lose contact?" Mike said, grinning.
"Sorry, I just had an errant thought about…"
Paddy was saved from finishing his sentence when they turned the corner onto the shelter's street.


  1. very very interesting...I wonder can an angel and a earth dweller make a go of it..I so enjoy my Sunday's. LOL

    1. I'm glad you do. And in answer to your question. Who knows?
