Saturday, September 30, 2017

(16) When all else is lost the future still remains

“Hang on a minute before you go.” Shan turned towards the stairs, shouting, “Race, get down here, now.”

“Yes sir.” Race stood from where he’d been sitting on the stairs to come down and join them.

“Is this the man who gave you the message,” Shan growled.

“You don’t have to ask him,” the Messenger interjected. “I’ll tell you myself, it wasn’t me but it was one of my minions. After all, I may be almost as ancient as Addison but that doesn’t mean I can spend much time in sunlight.”

“And your minion followed him today?”

“He did,” the Messenger replied. “Unless you are stupider than I think, I’m certain you know the reason for all the subterfuge.”

“Yeah, so I’d get in touch with Addie. What if I hadn’t?”

“Then I would have had to come up with something else.” He turned back to Addie. “Whether or not you want to be the Queen, there are both those who will press for it and, I’m very much afraid, those who would see you dead before allowing it to happen. Be careful Addison, very careful. Please.”

While the Messenger was speaking to Addie, Shan beckoned Race closer. “Messenger, before you leave I’d like to introduce you to my friend Race, as you haven’t actually met him.”

The Messenger smiled, holding out his hand. Immediately understanding why Shan had done that, Race shook it quickly before pulling back. He felt something brush his mind just as he had from both Shan and Addie.

With a slow nod the Messenger looked Race over. “Very interesting. I have to wonder if it was coincidence or fate that made my minion select you to deliver my note to Darshan.”

“I’d opt for fate,” Shan said with a slight smile. “But that’s neither here nor there at the moment.”

“No it’s not,” Addie agreed as she stood. “I’ll take all that you’ve said under advisement, Messenger. But for now I need time alone to think about it.”

“I quite understand Addison. I’ll await your decision. You know how to get hold me.” With that he bowed slightly to her and then went to the door, waiting for Shan to let him out.


  1. OMFGODDESS yes love it! Race is part of something big I have a feeling! You are such a master at storytelling now I know why I am slowly getting all your books and reading them! Do you have any that isn't out longer and you are rerelease

    1. I have a lot that aren't out any longer. Maybe, someday, I'll have JMS Books re-release some of them. Who knows?
