Thursday, July 11, 2013

The family that preys together…- 56

“Get your head out of your ass,” Crispin muttered as he turned the car around and headed back home. He had the cash he needed for this foray, which was just fine, but his driver’s license was sitting in his dresser drawer along with his credit cards and anything else with his real name on it. They were always left behind when he and Bryant went out to play the game, as they had last night, just in case.

Pulling up to the gate he used the remote to open it, drove up to the mansion and parked, going in the side entrance. He took the stairs two at a time, wanting to get in and out before his father or brother realized he’d returned and made fun of him for being so forgetful.

Once he’d put everything back in his wallet and deposited his fake ID where it belonged in the small wall safe where the servants couldn’t find it, he stepped back into the hall. As he closed the door to his room he paused, listening. He thought he heard something move in the attic above him, which struck him as strange as no one went up there except to get something from storage, like the Christmas decorations. He considered ignoring it but decided he should check just to be certain one of the servants wasn’t using it for a tryst. That had happened a few years ago and the man had been summarily dismissed.

He walked swiftly to the bottom of the stairs to the attic and then silently up them, hoping to catch the miscreants before they knew he was there. But when he twisted the handle he discovered the door was locked. At that point he figured he’d just been imagining things and was about to leave when he heard someone moaning. Taking out his keys he quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside.

“What the hell,” he exclaimed as he dropped to his knees beside Kent. Untying the rope he removed the gag. “Why…How did you get up here?”

“Ask your brother,” Kent replied, his mouth and throat so dry he could barely get the words out.

“I shall,” Crispin replied angrily, “as soon as I get you out of here.” When he saw that Kent’s hand and feet were cuffed together he added, “If I can figure out how to.”

Kent was tempted to say, ‘Like the man you carried last night’ but he was too scared at the moment to do anything but look fearfully at Crispin.

“Don’t move, I’ll be right back,” Crispin said, and the realized how insane that sounded. He also realized that if he left Kent where he was and Bryant came up before he did get back there would be trouble. “I need to get you moved out of sight,” he muttered as he looked around the attic. “There, that should do.” He lifted Kent easily if awkwardly considering how the younger man was bound and carried him a few feet to set him down behind a tall stack of storage boxes. “You should be safe here for the moment, I’ll be back in a second.”

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