Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The family that preys together…- 55

“You know that small problem we have,” Bryant said mid-morning of the next day as he walked into his father’s study, “well I think it will go away soon. Very soon.”

Gerard arched an eyebrow. “Meaning what?”

Bryant sat down on the sofa, crossing one ankle over his knee. “Meaning Mr. Tyler is currently in residence in the attic.”

“Bryant,” Gerard growled. “What on earth possessed you to bring him here?”

“Actually he brought himself here. Luckily I spotted him; unluckily he’d already seen Spin taking our latest prey inside. So I did what was necessary, caught the nosey young man and deposited him upstairs. Don’t worry, he’s cuffed, gagged and locked up until we decide what to do with him.”

Gerard nodded as he took a sip of wine and thought about what his son had told him. “Obviously we do not let Crispin know the young man is here.”

“No kidding. The problem is it’s the weekend which means Spin’s not going anywhere.”

“Then we’ll just to come up with a logical reason to send him on an errand. Is there any detritus from last night’s game you still have to dispose of?”

Bryant snorted. “You can’t be serious. We got rid of the body and the rest early this morning as usual. It was just a dump, nothing public this time.”

“What’s next in your planning or have you decided yet?”

“We’ve tossed a couple of ideas around but nothing specific. But…” Bryant tapped a finger on his knee. “That might work. I can send him off to do some research. I got the inspiration from something one of my employees was complaining about a few days ago.”

“Then get him on it, the sooner the better. We don’t want young Mr. Tyler dying from dehydration up there. The attic gets quite warm with the sun on the roof and no ventilation.”

Bryant smiled in agreement as he stood. “Softening him up is one thing but I’m looking forward to having my fun time with him before disposing of him permanently.”

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