Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Thief and the White Knight - 17

"You've been here two weeks and you didn't even try to get in touch with me?" Pia's eyes flashed angrily.

"Umm, no. Castration is not on the top of my list of things I want to happen to me."

Pia snorted, and then chuckled, her eyes dropping to his crotch for a second before returning to his face. "That would definitely be a waste, I agree. Castratos might be marginally interesting singers if that's your thing, but they're definitely no fun to play with."

Kerry's eyes widened as he started to reply. Then he shook his head, tried to marshal his thoughts, gave up and just said, "Keeping up with you is going to be interesting."

"Keeping up with me?"  Pia's hands were on her hips again as she looked at him.

"Exactly. In the last few minutes you've gone from calling me a cowardly bastard to being pissed because I said I wouldn't have seduced you to saying what happened was your fault too, which by the way it wasn't." He put a finger to her lips to keep her quiet. "Then seconds later you're all business, and finally you're upset because I didn't let you know I was here. I think that just about covers it."

"You forgot the 'playing with'," she told him, grinning.

"I figured I'd best avoid that, just in case you changed your mind again."

Her face turned serious as she seemed to study him. "I'm not going to jump into bed with you on the first date, but I think getting to know each other better is worth a shot. We can't wipe out what happened, but," she paused, nodded, and continued. "Since I wouldn't have been angry about it if I hadn't had feelings for you and hoped they were mutual, I think I'd like to explore the – possibilities."

"I would too; one step at a time until we're both certain what we're feeling is real."

"Assolutamente! So, as soon as this job is finished you're taking me out on a date."

"I am? I mean, I am, of course. Wine you, dine you, and then drop you off at your front door like a perfect gentleman."

"Like my knight in shining armor." She stroked his cheek with her fingertips. "But for right now, we'd better figure out how to do the job without getting caught."

* * * *

"I'll pick you up at eight," Kerry said quietly as he joined Pia on her way to the front door of the bank.

"Seven-thirty, and don't be late," she told him impishly, still riding the high of a job well done.

Touching his forehead with one finger and giving the barest of bows, he replied, "Yes, my lady," grinning when she subtly flipped him off.

A few minutes later Pia walked into the precinct squad room. Harry saw her and raised a questioning eyebrow. When she nodded, he pointed to the open door of a vacant office.

"Any problems?" he asked once she was seated.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." She opened her bag and took out several boxes and two thick envelops, placing them on the desk. "That's everything."

"Thank you." Rather than checking what was there, he looked at her. "Everything's all right? You're not planning on shooting me, or Tito?"

Keeping the same serious, business-like look on her face that she'd had since she arrived, she replied. "There were a few moments when I seriously thought about it, yes. But I decided it wouldn't be worth the bother."

Harry nodded. "I'm sorry. We were really hoping that maybe—"

"The best laid plans and all that," she told him, shrugging. Then she grinned. "We're going out for dinner tonight, and I don't mean you and me, delightful as that might be."

"I'm crushed." He chuckled, "And delighted, although Tito's never going to let me live this down. I didn't really think it would work to be perfectly honest."

"And to be honest in return, it probably wouldn't have if he'd tried to defend his actions, but he didn’t."

"He's a smart man, and a good one from all that I've heard."

"I think so," she agreed as she stood, putting her bag back over her shoulder. "Thank you, Harry."

"Just invite us to the wedding, that's all the thanks I need."

Pia snorted softly. "Let's see if we survive the first date, and then, who knows."

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