Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fear - 51

"And now, ladies and gentlemen," Max said much later, as he stood, putting his hand on Gene's shoulders, "shall we sing 'Happy Birthday' and then let him open his presents?"

"What presents?" Gene whispered to Shawn as everyone else stood and began to sing.

"No clue," Shawn replied with a sly grin before he joined in on the song.

When they had finished, Gene thanked them profusely, still wondering what Max had been talking about. He found out moments later when two busboys wheeled out a dessert cart. In the center was a large birthday cake. If it hadn't been on a stand, it would have been hidden by all the gift-wrapped packages surrounding it.

"I don't believer this," Gene said, looking at all his friends.

"Believe," Max told him, handing him a knife. "Blow out the candles, make a wish, then make the first cut. The waitresses will take care of the rest."

Gene did, turning to look at Shawn as he blew the candles out. I wish, I hope, that we're still together as friends and more when I'm twice this old. He smiled at Shawn then cut the cake to the cheers of everyone there.

* * * *

The party lasted into the wee small hours of the morning. At first Shawn hung back, watching Gene having a great time with everyone as people danced and talked after the tables had been moved to the sides of the room. Then one of the women came over to stand beside him.

"You're too shy," she said with a smile. "Come dance with me."

Shawn instantly flashed back to the last time a woman had asked him to do that. He froze before scooting away from her, much to her obvious surprise. Gene was beside him seconds later.

"What's wrong," he asked in concern.

"It's…it's…" Shawn took a deep breath, looking down at the floor.

Gene put an arm around his shoulders. "Come on, let's go outside and you can tell me, because it's very apparent something's upset you badly."

It took a bit of prodding on Gene's part once they were out in front of the restaurant but finally the words came tumbling out.

"There was a party, a birthday party actually for some guy Jared worked with and we went and I didn't know anyone, so I stayed at the bar and a lady asked me to dance and her boyfriend made a scene and when we got back to the trailer, Jared was drunk and angry and…" He felt the tears start. "And he… he…"


  1. Poor Shawn all the bad memories. I hope Gene can help him make new memories to lessen the bad ones?

  2. So many bad memories. I hope Gene can change that.
