Tuesday, February 27, 2018

(30) I am what I am


I paced the station, willing the bus to show up. I’d bought a ticket for the first one out of the city, afraid if I didn’t leave immediately I’d change my mind. Once I was gone then I could get another bus to get me where I needed to be.

There was only one way out of the mess I’d made of my life. Only one way I could be with Quinn, if he really wanted me. And after everything that had happened last night, I had to hope that he did. It was the only thing keeping me from running so far and so fast that no one, not even my demon, could find me.

Not a real demon of course though it felt like one.

The person who’s actions had haunted me for the last five years. The reason I lived the way I did. Did the things I did. And ran each time I thought it would all catch up with me again.

But not this time. This time I’m running home.

I have to face my demon so I can have my life back. And, maybe, just maybe, have love.

The bus pulled in, finally. Grabbing my suitcase I climbed the steps, showed the driver my ticket, and found a seat.

And then I prayed to whatever being was out there that this would be the end, and the beginning.

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