Sunday, March 17, 2013

Caomhnóir – Manny - 42

Hamlin spotted Manny the moment he arrived in the baggage claim area. Seconds later, he was wrapping his arms around his lover, kissing him as if there was no one else around. A soft cough finally broke through his elation and he turned to see a statuesque, white-haired woman standing close by. She was tapping a sharp fingernail to her lips as she studied him.

“That’s Sofietje, I bet,” Hamlin whispered to Manny, not releasing his hold on him.

“In the flesh, I’m afraid.”

“Introduce us,” Sofietje suggested imperiously.

With a nod, Manny said, “Sofietje, this is as I’m quite certain you’ve surmised, Hamlin Nagel. Hamlin, this is mijn commandant, Sofietje.”

“Het is een genoegen om je te ontmoeten.” Hamlin told her with a slight bow of his head.

“Ik hoop dat ik in staat zal zijn om dat zo goed kunnen zeggen, in de tijd.”

Hamlin glanced at Manny. “Some of that I understood, I think.”

“I said,” Sofietje told him before Manny could, “that I hope I will be able to say that in return, in time.” She gave him a slight smile. “I will admit it speaks well of you that you are attempting to learn our language.”

“Of course I am. I love him and I’ll be living here with him. Or rather, we’ll be living here together. It would be stupid of me to expect people to only speak English when I’m around. Right?”

“Zeer verstandig van u.”

“Okay.” Hamlin held up his hands in surrender. “I’m barely beginning to learn, so could we please stick to English for now.”

“For now, yes. I expect you to be more fluent in Dutch the next time we meet. Is that understood?”

“Sofietje,” Manny growled. “Play nice.”

“Maar natuurlijk, Manfred. Heb ik niet altijd?”

Manny snorted. “Not hardly. But for now, please do, and leave. We need to get his luggage and then get back to my place.”

Sofietje nodded. “Be at my office first thing in the morning so that I can debrief you.”

“Yes, mijn commandant.” Manny resisted saluting.

“En Manfred, ik denk dat ik goed te keuren van uw jonge man.”

“Good,” Manny replied, grinning, “because he’s here for the long term, like it or not.”

With a lift of one eyebrow, Sofietje turned and walked away.

* * * * *
Het is een genoegen om je te ontmoeten – It is a pleasure to meet you.
Zeer verstandig van u. – Very astute of you.
Maar natuurlijk, Manfred. Heb ik niet altijd? – Of course, Manfred, haven’t I always?
En Manfred, ik denk dat ik goed te keuren van uw jonge man. – And Manfred, I think I approve of your young man.

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