Monday, March 11, 2013

Caomhnóir – Manny - 39

“We didn’t figure we’d see you for another hour at least,” Keegan said as Manny appeared in the living room area of the loft.

“Hamlin’s dead to the world and I didn’t have the heart to wake him.”

Thom looked over from the kitchen, where he was preparing lunch. “How’s your leg?”

“Better than last night, that’s for damned sure, thanks to you.”

“And your innate healing powers. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah. I could eat a horse.”

Keegan laughed. “See, Thom, I told you we should have absconded with that nag while we were out walking Romper.”

“He’s kidding I hope. And where is the pup? Off chewing up more shoes?”

“Nope,” Thom replied. “Sound asleep in the middle of our bed. I guess we tired him out. You all ready to eat?”

They were, and they did. When they’d finished Manny checked the time and then opted for a second cup of coffee.

“You working today?” Keegan asked.

Manny nodded. “No rest for the wicked and all that jazz. Are you two sticking around?”

“No. We’re heading back to our place. My job here is done and I’d be more than willing to bet Alasdair’s got ten more lined up for me.”

“A bet I’m not taking,” Manny told him, chuckling. “I’ve got a feeling he’ll find something for me to do too, if my real commandant hasn’t.” He sighed. “This is going to be rough.”

“On Hamlin, if you have to go back to your home base in Holland?”

“Yes. I can’t ask him to just pick up and come with me. He’s got his own life here.”

“You might find he’s more than willing to,” Thom said. “I would be, if it were Keegan asking.”

“But you two have been together forever.”

Thom shook his head. “Manny, that’s not what counts. It’s how he feels about you, and if you had brain one you’d know he really cares for you.”

“We’ll see, if and when the time comes.”

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