Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sui Generis – 23


Mag quickly crossed to Brand, looking him over carefully. His sweat-soaked hair hung lank around his face but there was pride in his expression.

"You seem to have survived in one piece," Mag said with a smile.

"Barely, but after three shifts, I have the hang of it now. On the last one I didn't feel it at all, well barely anyway." Brand grinned. "And I can come back fully clothed."

"Well, damn." Mag laughed, hugging him.

While they talked, the newcomers studied them. "It's true," Vesper said, "you are a… well, a hybrid I suppose, would be the best description. Truly sui generis."

Brand nodded. "Very unique, I agree. Dhampir, meaning half human, half vampire, plus I'm now a werewolf as well, thanks to Fedor." He looked at the men inquisitively. "And you are vampires in two cases, and I presume a werewolf?"

Each one introduced himself, Dante adding, "I suppose we should be happy you consider Vesper and me friends, Brand."

Brand chuckled. "You still have your heads, so yes I do. Besides which, Antton warned me there would be two of you. I'd rather not breach his hospitality by killing you."

"Nice of you," Dante replied dryly.

"Now all we need is Ulrik and we can get started," Antton told the others. "Until then, I suggest we eat."

"Raw meat for everyone," Mag whispered softly to Brand.

The men all laughed, Dante pointing out that even a whisper could be heard by all of them as if he'd spoken out loud.

Mag grimaced and apologized.

"No harm done. We're used to humans thinking that's all we eat," Randulf told him. "Raw meat for werewolves, straight blood for vamps."

"In actuality—" Vesper grinned, "—I like a good lasagna with lots of garlic."

"Another myth blown to smithereens," Mag muttered, much to the amusement of the others.


When Antton and the other Enforcers headed to the kitchen to see what was available to make dinner, Brand stopped Mag by dint of taking his hand to lead him to media room.

"You want to play games?" Mag asked.

"Not those kind," Brand replied quietly as he closed the door. "I… we need to talk."

"I think that's my thing to say, not yours," Mag told him with a grin.

"I'm serious, damn it. I don't like their idea of using you as bait. What if something goes wrong?"

Mag sat down on the sofa in front of the TV before replying, looking up at him. "They said I'd be well protected."

"I know but we're talking about Fedor. He's older than sin. Hell, he's my definition of sin, with a capital 'S'." Brand knelt down in front of Mag, gripping his hands. "I don't want you hurt. You mean too much to me."

Mag's pulse quickened at his words. "I… I'll be all right. They promised."

Brand grimaced. "Is that all you can say? I tell you I care about you and you just say 'I'll be all right'?"

"More than that—now." He freed one hand so he could stroke Brand's cheek. "I care about you too. Probably… no, definitely more than care. I have since forever. If using me to catch him means you'll be able to live free of fear, then it's worth it."

"If anything happens to you, I'll die," Brand told him fervently. "Now that I'm willing to admit how I feel to you—but even more to myself—I don't think I could stand losing you."

"Nothing is going to happen. Everything will go just as they plan. It has to!"

"I think," Brand said, getting up then sitting down beside Mag, still holding his hand, "you shouldn't say that. It borders on famous last words or something."

"No. It has to do with trust. I trust them because I have confidence in Antton. But more than that, I trust you to make sure Fedor's caught and destroyed." Mag winced when Brand's grip tightened painfully.

"Sorry," Brand whispered, releasing Mag's hand. "I just don't know if I'm worthy of your faith in that respect. No way am I in his class—or even in Antton's and his friends'."

Mag put an arm around him, pulling him against his chest. "I suspect you're close, and getting closer. No, you don't have their age or experience, but you're sort of a triple threat. You can find vampires, no matter where they are, and you're a werewolf with all that entails."

Brand turned his head to look at Mag. "That's two. What's the third?"

"We, I think I can safely say, love each other—or damned close to it. Not to be hokey or whatever, but love is a power in and of itself."

"But is it enough?" Brand replied, sounding doubtful.

Cupping his jaw, Mag kissed him. "I guess we're going to find out, aren't we?"

Brand nodded then slowly smiled. "I guess we are." Spearing his fingers through Mag's blond hair, he kissed him hungrily. "You know," he said, breaking the kiss long moments later, "the next time we go to bed, it's not just going to be to relieve tensions."

Mag kissed him lightly. "Has it ever really been that? I mean, yeah, that's what we told ourselves but still…"

"Does it matter, now we're admitting our feelings? Somehow I suspect it will show in our… our love-making too."

"If we ever get a chance to do it again," Mag grumbled when someone rapped on the door, telling them dinner was ready.

"Oh we will. Trust me on that. Once all this is over, I plan on showing you just how much I care for you, in all ways possible."

They kissed again, Brand pouring all his feelings into it, aware that Mag was as well. And then, quite reluctantly, they got up. When Mag opened the door, Dante stood there, a knowing smirk on his lips.

"Work now, fun later. Ulrik has finally arrived."

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