Wednesday, August 30, 2023

22 - Caomhnóir – Manny


Three hours later dinner, study hour, and Hamlin had come and gone. Gebhard was on his way to the airport and the boys were planted in front of the television watching a movie. While they did, Manny checked to make certain that the house was locked up and that they’d tidied their rooms.


When he reached the stairs leading to the fifth floor he paused. He thought he heard voices coming from above him, which made not sense as all the boys were accounted for and Mr. Shadrick lived alone up there.


Probably just the TV, was his first thought, but he was curious to find out if that was so. Quietly, he climbed the stairs, stopping on the landing outside what had once been Cerdic’s very private and well-secured domain.


Inching forward, he pressed his ear to the door, trying to decipher the words of what sounded like an angry discussion between two men. One voice he recognized as Mr. Shadrick’s. It took a long minute to figure out who the other one belonged to. Then shock registered on his face as he backed slowly away. “Impossible,” he whispered softly.


Without thinking of anything but what he’d heard, he turned and raced down the stairs. When he hit the first floor he pulled up short, trying to calm his racing emotions. He had to get the boys to bed before anything else. Then he needed to call Alasdair.


Half an hour later, with the boys in their rooms and hopefully settled for the night, he sat in his room, staring at his cell phone. Finally he flipped it open and dialed. Alasdair answered on the first ring.


They talked for a few brief moments, Manny telling the commandant what he’d heard. At first Alasdair was doubtful, but it didn’t take Manny long to convince him that they had to talk face to face. “I can get away from here mid-morning while the boys are in class,” he said and they set a time and place to meet.



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