Monday, April 10, 2023

21 - Caomhnóir


Thom woke, bleary-eyed and feeling as if he needed another twelve hours sleep, to the sound of his phone ringing. “This had better be a damned emergency, like the world is ending,” he growled as he answered it.


“Not yet,” Keegan replied with a laugh.


Thom shot up, clutching the receiver, “You survived. Thank God.”


“Not certain he had anything to do with it, but I did. You sound—I don’t know, both surprised and relieved.”


“And elated I hope, because I am. When do you get home?”


“Tomorrow. I’ve missed you, Thom, more than you can imagine.”


“I’ve missed you too,” Thom said softly in reply. “Are you—is he dead?”


“He is, and I’m all right, or I will be by the time you see me.”  Keegan took a deep breath before saying, “I understand Darius has been hassling you.”


Thom bristled as he took in the implications of the question. “Did you have someone watching me? Damn it, Keegan, I can take care of myself.”


“I know you can, against anyone human. However that would not be Darius. Just tell me you didn’t believe whatever he’s told you.”


Thom paused, and then replied reluctantly, “I tried not to.”


“Do you want to tell me, or should we wait until I get home?”


“When you get home.” Chewing his lip for a moment, Thom added, “I almost did something very insane because of it, and I’d rather be yelled at in person than over the phone.”


“Why do I get the feeling I really will be doing that?”


Thom chuckled a bit morosely. “Because you know me?”


“I do, extremely well actually. Not that I’m complaining in the least. There is no one in my life who means more to me than you. There never has been, there never will be.”


Remembering Darius’ words about that, Thom hesitated briefly before saying, “I know. The same goes for me as well. I do love you, Keegan. Hurry home, please.”


“I will. I love you too, mo ghrá, more than life itself. Believe that.”


Keegan’s words held a ring of truth that Thom could not deny. “I do,” he said softly before hanging up. “I do,” he reiterated firmly to himself. “I do.”

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