Saturday, June 5, 2021

Every House Has a Secret - 10



"I hope you're going to do something about your front porch," Carol said.


"We are, or Nick, the contractor we hired is," Brady replied. "We decided we had enough to do inside."


"We did a trade off with Nick for Brady's services," Rand explained. He laughed. "Don't take that the way it sounded. He's going to install more security at Nick's place of business."


"You do that, too?" Carol said when they all finished chuckling.


"Yes," Brady replied, then explained why.


"I've never met a PI before," she said. "Read a lot of stories about them. You don't fit my image of one."


"Because I'm not wearing a trench coat and a fedora?" Brady asked with a grin.


She laughed. "That, and you don't look hard-bitten. Do you carry a gun?"


"Rarely," Brady replied.


"Thank God," Rand said under his breath. "When he has to, he doesn't tell me until afterward."


"Because I don't want you to worry."


"I can understand that," Carol said. "I'm glad Ken's an ordinary, everyday accountant."


"Ordinary? I'll have you know I'm the best in the city," Ken replied, winking at Rand and Brady.


"Of course you are, dear." She patted his leg.


They continued chatting, with Ken and Carol telling Rand and Brady a bit about the neighborhood. The sun started to go down, casting lengthening shadows across the yard, at which point Brady said is was time for him and Rand to head home, "To collapse, so we can start bright and early in the morning."


"He means by ten," Rand said.


"Eight," Brand replied, eliciting a groan from his husband and laughter from the others.


They thanked Ken again for his help, and both him and Carol for their hospitality, and took off, making certain they'd locked the house first.


"I hope all the neighbors are as nice as them," Rand said as they drove back to the apartment.


"From what they told us, I suspect they are." Brand squeezed Rand's thigh. "We got lucky. Pretty soon we'll be moving into a great house, in a nice neighborhood, and who knows, maybe we'll expand our circle of friends."


"I see a housewarming party in our future."


"Bite your tongue."


"If I do, will you kiss it better?"


"Rand, honestly…" Brady laughed. "Let's get home, eat, and then we'll see."


"Can’t ask for anything more."



  1. Pretty sure in a little bit they are going not have enough energy for anything but sleep.
