Thursday, March 26, 2020

Shadow Men – 40 – Anders and Grant

Two hours later, Anders suddenly barked out, "Duck down."
Without even thinking Grant did as he was ordered. From behind him he heard Nicky say, "Hide and seek?"
"Yes, so do what Anders said, and bury your head in your arms. Don't look until I tell you to."
The car sped up. Grant could feel it swerve as Anders changed lanes once and again and yet a third time. Suddenly he was thrown against the door as the car veered sharply to the right. He could hear the engine groan slightly and thought they must be going up an exit ramp. Another sharp turn then a blast of horns let him know they were on a street and that Anders had probably cut some driver off in the process.
"Stay down, Nicky," Anders said sharply.
Grant reinforced his words. "Do as he says, Nicky."
The car continued forward for what seemed like an interminable length of time before Grant felt it turn again. After a minute there was another turn, then it slowed, took one more turn, and finally came to a stop.
"You can sit up now," Anders told him.
Grant did and saw they were in a parking garage. "Did you lose them?"
"For the time being, yeah, but we're ditching the car."
He knew it was only tension speaking but Grant said with a small smirk, "Do I get to choose the next one."
"No, me, Daddy," Nicky piped up.
Grant turned to look at his son. "You all right?"
"Uh huh. That was fun. Like the merry-go-round." Since Nicky always closed his eyes when he rode on one, Grant could see how he'd think that.
"Wait here, I'll be back in thirty or less," Anders said as he got out of the car. For a moment he hesitated then came around to Grant's side, opened the door and knelt. "Ever use one of these?" he asked, sliding his gun out of the holster. He kept it low so Nicky couldn't see it.
Grant took it hesitantly. "Long time ago. Safety?" After Anders showed him, he put the pistol between his legs. "Do you think..?"
For a second Anders flashed a grin. "As little as possible." Then he immediately sobered. "Ninety-nine percent chance against it…"
"But there's always that one percent."
"Yep." Anders stood, closed the door and quickly walked away.
Grant stared after him, a feeling of abandonment washing over him. What if he doesn't come back? Then what do I do? Don't be a dork, he's coming back. But what if...? The thoughts warred in his head. Needing to stop them, he turned to look at Nicky. "What do you want for lunch?"
"Umm, chicken nuggets… or hamburger."
"Or both?"
"Can I?"
"Since this is a special day, sure. Why not?"
"Daddy, when are we going home?"
Good question. Grant didn't say that aloud, replying instead, "As soon as possible." It was the truth, he hoped, although the 'possible' part could be a long time off.


  1. A car chase yes...bad for them but exciting for me. LOL They may need to change how they look and act with each other.

    1. That might be a good idea. We'll see if it happens.

  2. This is so the time in the story where i would be reading through to the end... such suspense.. lordy and i need to know about Rafe and Steele.. help me, help me.. lol

    1. I'm trying, I'm trying. And do not say that I'm 'very trying' LOL

  3. I like Nicky. It is all an adventure to him.
