Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Shadow Men – 18 – Rafe and Steele

"We can't just walk into a hotel, presuming there is one," Rafe said as he and Steele stood on a slope overlooking the small town of Canolo.
"True, but if we can find an empty house…"
With night coming, lights began to appear in the homes and go off in what Steele presumed were shops. He scanned the town, searching for darkened places that might suit their needs. Finally he homed in on two that might work, closest to them at the edge of the town. He pointed them out to Rafe and after fifteen minutes of careful watching they chose one.
Soon they stood outside the back of the house while they listened intently for even the slightest sound that would tell them it wasn't empty. The last thing they wanted to do was run into a dog. "I think we're good," Steele said quietly. He tested the door handle, totally unsurprised to find it locked. It took him no time at all to remedy that problem. He cautiously opened the door a crack, ready for them to beat a hasty retreat if an alarm went off. There was no alarm and no barking dog greeted them so they entered.
"It looks as if this place has been vacant for a while," Rafe said as he ran a fingertip over the table in the center of the kitchen and left a trail in the dust.
"Which is good for us." Steele used the weak light coming through a window from the street to navigate to the arch on the far side of the kitchen. It opened onto the main room, which was sparsely furnished with two chairs, a small sofa, and a table along one wall. To one side were two doors. He checked them and discovered a bedroom and a bathroom. Rafe joined him, saw the large bed and sighed in relief despite the fact that there were no sheets or blankets on it.
Steele was more relieved to discover that there was running water in the bathroom and that the shower worked. The water was cold but at that point he couldn't have cared less. He dropped his backpack on the battered dresser in the bedroom and dug into it for the bar of soap and washrag he always carried. Then he stripped off his filthy clothes. His eyes lit on Rafe seated on the edge of the bed and he chuckled.
"Up, boy, it's shower time."
Rafe groaned but stood and started to undress. Steele shook his head and went over to unzip Rafe's jeans and push them down over his hips. "Sit," he said and, when Rafe did, Steele knelt to take off his boots and socks then pulled the jeans the rest of the way off. "If we weren't so exhausted…" Steele murmured.
"I'd be having my way with you," Rafe replied with a smile as he used Steele's shoulder to stand again.
"I'll warn you, the water's cold," Steele told him as he picked up the soap and cloth and led the way to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, took a deep breath and stepped under it. A volley of curses ensued, followed by Rafe's when he stepped in behind him.
"This may be the fastest shower we've ever taken," Steele stated emphatically as he did a very down and dirty wash of his body before he handed the soap and washcloth to Rafe, rinsed off and stepped out. "No damned towels," he grumbled after a quick check of the cabinet under the sink.
Rafe actually managed a chuckle through chattering teeth. "We'll have to complain to the management."
They hurried back to the bedroom to take T-shirts from their packs to dry off with. Then Steele checked their wounds. He deemed them healing as well as could be expected under the circumstances and re-bandaged Rafe's.
"Now to sleep." Rafe settled on the bed and held his arms out. When Steele came into them Rafe wrapped him in a tight embrace. "Love you," Rafe said softly, "and sometime we might even get time enough for me to show you again just how much."
"I know how much," Steele told him after he'd kissed him. "Almost as much as I love you."
Rafe chuckled sleepily. "Love you more."
"We'll debate that in the morning."
"Umm… hmm… defina…" His voice faded out as he fell asleep.


  1. so glad they found a safe spot for the night... they are in need of a break and some time to create a strategy .. maybe a friend or two . great story

    1. Thank you, and yes, they definitely need all of that.

  2. Wonderful I’m happy they found something. Hopefully they can stay there a few days.

    1. I have the feeling that won't happen, but who knows.
