Monday, February 25, 2013

Caomhnóir – Manny - 32

Cerdic smiled wickedly as he shoved the bound and gagged Jakie into the janitor's closet on the second floor of an office building in midtown. "Don't worry," he said before closing the door. "You'll be found soon enough. I just needed you out of the picture for the time being."

Strolling casually down the deserted hallway moments later, Cerdic ran his plan through his mind one more time before taking out his cell to place a call.

* * * * *

Manny frowned as he looked at the caller ID. "I hate blocked calls," he muttered. When he answered, still grumbling, a text message appeared. He read it, and then reread it, an angry frown darkening his face. There was a brief pause before a second message appeared. Hurrying to the desk, he wrote down the information, texted a message back, and slammed the phone shut.

The three others had been watching, wondering what was happening.

Manny told them succinctly, "That was Cerdic. He has Jakie. Unhurt, he says."

"Damn and double damn," Hamlin exclaimed.

"I guess he's figured out how to draw us out," Keegan stated. "Where are we going?"

Manny handed him the slip of paper with the instructions. "I know the place. It's been vacant for years. He chose well, we’ll be uninterrupted.”

“Then let’s get going.” Hamlin looked at the others. “Well?”

“Keegan and I are going; the two of you are staying right here. And I do not want to hear one word of argument. Understood?”

Hamlin shot an angry look at his lover, growling, “Jakie’s my friend too, you know.”

“I know, but if the two of you come with us you’ll only be distractions. Trust me, Cerdic’s going to use every trick in the book to take us down, and he’s got a few. I’ve battled him so I know.” Manny squeezed Hamlin’s shoulder. “Please don’t make this any harder than it already is.”

“I—alright. I guess Thom and I can bake cookies while you’re gone.”

Thom snorted. “I don’t do baking.”

“That’s for sure,” Keegan muttered, and the immediate tension was broken as the men laughed. Unfortunately he ramped it up seconds later, saying, “Let’s get ready, Manny.”  

Fifteen minutes later the two Caomhnóir were on their way out of the loft, dressed for battle, their goodbyes to their respective lovers said.

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