Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mario - A Story - 14

Tate jerked awake when someone rapped on the side window of his car. He shook his head to clear it and rubbed his hands over his eyes before he turned to see who was there. Mario stared back at him. Tate rolled down the window and with a small grimace said, “Good morning.”

“Why are you here? I saw you drive away last night.”

“I had a bit of a run-in with your ex.”

“How the hell did he..?” Mario paled. “He was here.”

“That was sort of my thinking so I decided to come back just in case.”

“Damn it.” Mario ran a hand through his hair, sighed and said, “You might as well come inside. We were just about to eat breakfast before I take Wil to Maria’s.”

“At this hour?” Tate asked as he opened the car door and realized the sun was barely up.

“Yep. I have to be at work by six-thirty.” Mario led the way into the duplex and smiled when Wil launched himself at Tate. Tate picked him up to carry him back into the kitchen.

“Why you here?” Wil asked when Tate set him down on his chair.

“Why are you,” both adults said at the same time. Tate looked at Mario and laughed. “And I don’t even have kids.”

“I think it’s ingrained no matter what,” Mario replied as he got out another bowl and a plate, set them on the table and then put two slices of bread in the toaster.

Tate looked at the two boxes of cereal that stood there. When Wil immediately pushed one towards him he took it, poured some into his bowl, added milk and was about to reach for the sugar when he realized the cereal was pre-sweetened. He hated that kind but bit back on saying so since he didn’t want to hurt Wil’s feelings.

Mario watched with amusement and as he handed Tate his toast he whispered, “Thanks.”

Tate shivered when the breath of the whisper caressed his ear. Quickly he dug into the cereal to cover is impulse to do something he shouldn’t and touch Mario.

Mario, completely oblivious to what he’d done, sat down opposite Tate to finish his breakfast.

Wil looked at his father and then Tate. With all the wisdom of a five-year-old he said, “Tate’s here because Jonah was.”

“Yeah, I am,” Tate told him. “But it was last night, before I left, and he followed me so you were safe.”

“I know. You made the house safe.”

Mario ruffled Wil’s hair. “Yes he did, and he’ll make it even safer tonight.”

“And I can help. He promised.”

“That I did Wil.”

“Okay guys,” Mario said as he got up. “Hate to say it but it’s time to get a move on. Wil, go get your things please.”

After Wil dashed from the kitchen Mario began to clean up. Tate immediately leant a hand despite Mario’s protests. “Hey, I ate, I do dishes, or at least rinse them off,” Tate stated. Mario smiled and let him, so by the time Wil reappeared they were finished and ready to leave.

As they left the house Tate reminded Mario to set the alarm to notify him if anything happened, just in case. With a nod Mario did then closed and locked the door, took Wil’s hand and headed to his car.

“Bye, Tate,” Wil called out before he got into the car.

“Bye you two,” Tate replied. He watched until they were safely on their way then returned to his car. He was going home to get some sleep before he had to face the rest of the day and the two clients who, thankfully, had afternoon appointments.

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