Monday, January 17, 2011


Lies and Misunderstandings - Chapter One

“Someone’s cruising for a bruising,” Émile growled, whapping his sibling upside the head rather more forcefully than necessary.

“Hey now, what was that for?” Peter leapt to his feet, fight or flight warring for supremacy.

“You were supposed to let me know when you were going out. Somehow you seemed to have forgotten.”

With a shrug, Peter rubbed the side of his head. “So I wanted a bit of time to myself. Shoot me.”

Émile snorted. “As if that would do any good.” He plopped down in the chair Peter had been using, kicking his feet up onto the edge of the table, his hands laced behind his head. “So where did you go?”

“The museum.”

“Again, Peter?” Émile said. He hoped that his dismay didn’t show on his face.

“I like to look at my father’s paintings. Sue me.”

“Sue you, shoot you. Make up your mind, youngster,” Émile told him with a laugh.

Peter rolled his eyes. “Either/or, just quit smacking me every time you get pissed. You almost gave me a concussion this time.”

“Your head’s too hard for that.” Émile turned grave then. “Some night you’re going to run into one of the guards. Then what?”

“I avoid them? It’s not like I can’t you know.”

“True enough I guess. I just—I’m responsible for you now that Jonas is  gone, like it or not, and I take that seriously.”

“I’m more than old enough to take care of myself, thank you very much. When are you going to accept that?”

“Never,” Émile muttered softly. And he wouldn’t because he wanted nothing more than to keep his sibling close to him forever. Letting him go was not, as far as he was concerned, an option; now or ever.

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