Sunday, November 19, 2017

Guardian Angels – An Interesting Life (19)

"Oh no, you don't," Evan growled. "You're not setting yourself up to be grabbed again."
Vic smiled wickedly. "Why not? Paddy's got my back now. They get me, take me to their boss, and…"
"It could work," Paddy agreed, almost gleefully.
Evan looked at Vic in dismay before returning his attention to driving, muttering, "You're crazy."
"I have to stop the blackmailer before he forces Frank Marshall to pull out of the primary race and like I said, I only have a couple more days to do that. So unless you have a better idea…"
Evan sighed. "I don't."
"Then drop me off back at my office. That's where they got me last time."
Dom, who had been fairly quiet during most of the discussion, spoke up now. "Unless I'm mistaken, someone's following us."  
"For how long?" Vic asked, glancing in the sideview mirror. "What's he driving?"
"A green car. I don't know what kind. It's"—Dom turned slightly to look out the rear window—"four behind us right now. I noticed him when we turned. He sped up to make the light. Maybe I'm being paranoid but…"
"Easy enough to find out. Evan, turn right at the next corner." Evan did and Vic told him, "Now a left onto Elm and another left onto Franklin."
"He's still behind us," Dom said a couple of minutes later.
"Yeah, I see." Vic chuckled. "He's an amateur at this."
"Should I lose him?" Evan asked.
"No. Do like I said, drop me off at my office building."
"What about Paddy?"
"He can… come with me, but only as far as the entrance. Then he'll take off in the other direction, do his thing, and meet me inside."
"I don't like this, but I suspect I'm out-voted," Evan grumbled.
Vic reached over to pat Evan's leg. "You are, but it's really the only way to do it."
Before Vic could move his hand, Evan took it, holding it tightly for a moment. "Just be damned careful. Okay? And Paddy"—he looked at him in the rearview mirror—"if anything happens to him…"
"It won't," Paddy replied firmly. "Believe it or not, I've been watching over my various charges for more years than I like to think about and I haven't lost one yet."
"Good." Evan released his grip on Vic's hand. "Maybe Dom should go with you too."
"I already told you. I have to stick with you," Dom said. "I wouldn't be here if there wasn't the possibility that you're in danger as well, which we know you were, at least for a while. I seriously doubt that's changed."
Evan blew out a long breath. "I suppose not." He veered off the street into a vacant spot in front of Vic's building.
Vic and Paddy got out, but not before Vic said quietly, "I have plans for taking you out for dinner when this is over."
"Then catch the bastard, without getting the shit beaten out of you again." Evan's lips turned up in a weak grin. "I gave up being a medic years ago… well, until I met you. I really don't want patching you up to become a habit if we can help it."
"I'm not too fond of that idea myself." Vic leaned closer momentarily as if he was going to whisper something, shook his head, and he and Paddy got out of the car. 
Evan watched them play out their roles, talking briefly before Paddy walked away and Vic went inside. "Just…stay safe," Evan said under his breath. "I want that dinner you promised me."
As he pulled the car back out onto the street, Dom said, "You'll get it. And by the way, our follower was watching from across the street, so with luck, this might be over soon."
"Your words to God's ears," Evan said in reply.
Dom laughed. "That happens. Rarely, but sometimes."

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