Friday, June 6, 2014

I could a tale unfold - 10

"It was a ghost," Kirk said with a grin when Ross told him about the young man he'd seen that morning.

Ross snorted. "I don't think ghosts can pick things up, at least not if the movies have it right."

"And just when did movies start doing that?"

"Good point." Ross chuckled then said, "I just don't like the idea of someone in the building who doesn't belong there. He could have been there all night, just waiting to be able to leave once the doors were unlocked, or worse."

"You think he was exploring and got caught inside? Seems to me the security people would have found him."

"Not if he hid away so they wouldn't. Oh well, no harm done so I guess I should stop worrying about it."

* * * *

Ross had second thoughts about that the next morning when he entered the costume shop. He discovered several of the costumes—that he knew he had hung up before leaving the previous evening—now adorned the dressmaker's dummies. Picking up the house phone, he called the security office, explaining what he'd found. Ten minutes later one of the two guards on the day shift arrived.

"Did you lock the door when you left last night?" the guard asked after taking a look around to make certain no one was lurking in the large shop area.

"No, but then I rarely do. I never really thought there was any reason to. I guess from now on I will."

"Might be a good idea, and I'll check to see if this man has been poking around in any other areas. Though if he had I'd think someone would already have let us know."

"Honestly, I sort of hope he has. I don't like the idea of some freak targeting me, or the costumes, or—whatever."

"I let you know what I find out and I'll tell the night shift to keep a tight eye out for anyone roaming the building. Especially here. Not that they don't anyway."

"Whoever it is must be a sneaky bastard to have avoided them, then," Ross muttered.

"Well now that we know…" The guard shrugged and took his leave, just as Ross's crew was arriving.

Ross explained what had happened and told them that from now on, until whomever it was had been caught, they were not to be in the shop alone. "And definitely not in the evenings."

His people were shocked and agreed to be careful, the two men promising to keep an eye on the women. That caused a few raised eyebrows from the females, Beth pointing out that she had shears and knew how to use them. Everyone laughed, and the tension abated as they started to work.


  1. The plot thickens! Yes, we are underway! What is going to come next? Oh man, I think I know! But just WHO will it be????

    1. It will be interesting to see if you figured it out.
