Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Prince and I - 36

“Spit it out,” I told Connor, feeling my anger raise again.

“I’m not going back. Ever.”

“Uh-huh. Right.”

“I’m not.” His voice was soft but the words were said with conviction.

“Why do I have the feeling your uncle might have something to say about that.”

“Oh he had a lot to say about it, including pointing out exactly what I’d be throwing away if I did what I was planning. I told him if things worked out the way I prayed they would, I’d be gaining something worth a hundredfold what I would loose.” He reached across the table to take my hand, his eyes locking on mine.

I tried to look away but couldn’t. There was such hope on his face. I wasn’t about to give in just yet however. “If that’s true why did you wait so long to come back?”

“My uncle told me how you’d reacted when you found out I was gone. I was afraid you’d never forgive me. And then, before I could find out one way or the other, things happened. Things with Aemornion.”

For a second I couldn’t figure out what he meant and then I remembered. “He tried to capture you again?”

“No. I was well protected for obvious reasons. He went after my older brother.”

“You have..? Never mind, go on.”

“Aemornion caught him unawares and almost succeeded. So we had to teach him a lesson.”

“Whose head rolled,” I asked, remembering a conversation we’d had a long time ago. I winced when he told me Aemornion’s had.

Connor squeezed my hand. “If it hadn’t, he’d have continued until he did capture one of us. There are still others like him out there but they’re not as rabid in their beliefs and they rarely if ever venture here.”

“So no one’s going to come looking for you.”

“I can’t say they won’t, but probably not. Anyway, once that was over I had to make a decision. Did I want to stay there and be a good little future heir to the throne, should both Sadron and my brother die before I did? Or did I want to take a chance that you’d let me back in your life?” He smiled. “It really wasn’t much of a choice.”  

“What if I say no?” I wouldn’t have. He was all I wanted in this world and I wasn’t about to loose it again, but I still wanted to hear his reply.

“Then I’ll pursue you like a lovelorn suitor until you change your mind.”

I grinned. “You would, wouldn’t you?”

“Indeed. I’ll plant myself on your doorstep, send you flowers and… and whatever it is human lovers give each other. Every time you turn around there I’ll be. I’m not a bad hand at poetry so I’ll declaim my poems to you day and night no matter who’s around.”

“There’s a word for that here. It’s called stalking. And it’s illegal.”

He clasped a hand to his chest. “Then I’ll suffer imprisonment until you pity me so much you come to set me free.”

Laughter bubbled up. I could barely say, “All right, all right, I give in. We can try again and see what happens.”

As soon as I said that he was beside me. He didn’t have to say thank you or anything else; his lips said it for him. From the kiss we moved on to other things, recapturing all the feelings we’d shared before he’d left.

In the weeks that followed—before Winter Break was over—we found a place with a bit more room than my apartment. Sadron refused to foot the bill which was no problem since Connor was hardly poor in his own right. Sadron did however continue to pay my tuition. I think he hoped I really would go to work for one of his companies when I got my degree. That is still up in the air but I’m considering it.

Mr Knight promised to come around when I needed him, despite the fact Sadron had terminated his contract. “I’d feel guilt if you flunked a class because I deserted you” was what he said but I suspect it was also the fact we’d become more than tutor and student. We’d become friends as well. Thankfully he and Connor hit it off immediately so there was no stress on that front.

And that is the lowdown on the Prince and I. Well ex-prince to hear Connor tell it but I don’t think you can become an ex one. He was born a prince and he’ll be one long after I’m dead and gone. For now however we plan to live each day as it comes and enjoy the hell out of the time we have together.

The End


  1. Ahhh! That was freaking awesome! So wonderful. What an incredibly sweet ending. Thank you so very much for sharing that beautiful story. You are so very good at this. First person is so hard (I think) but you make it look easy. Great job! :)

    1. Thank you very much, Hurri. A secret---glancing around to see who's listening in---I happen to like first person because when you write it you don't have to worry about POV, -grinning-

  2. Wow. That is true. Never thought about that. I get messed up with POV crap all the time. There have been stories I have done as well that have pretty much only been one POV and could have easily gone into a first person. Well... not easily. Again, it's hard to make the voice sound right but you do not have an issue with it. At all. Loved the story. Can't wait for more!

    1. POV messes me up too at times. Ask my editors. LOL Luckily I have them to point out where I went wrong.

      Again. Thank you so much. A new story begins on... Tuesday? Yeah, that's two days from now.

  3. Yey!! I can't wait! Thank you so much!
