Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mario - A Story - 10

After Tate parked in front of Mario’s duplex he sat and studied it. It was two stories, with a basement he figured from the steps leading up to the entrance. The neighborhood was decent, family oriented he thought from the number of kids and accompanying parents he saw either sitting on stoops or out for an after dinner walk.

He got out of the car and went to ring the bell. Moments later the door opened. He shook his head as he looked at Mario. “Did you even check to be certain it was me?”

Mario pointed to the peephole in the door with a nod then stepped back to let Tate in. “I’m not totally stupid,” he said with a smile.

At that moment a small boy came into view. He stopped shyly at the entrance to the living room to stare at Tate.

“You must be Wil. I’m Tate,” Tate said as he held out his hand.

Wil looked at his father and when he nodded the boy crossed slowly to shake Tate’s hand. “You’re the man who’s going to fix things.”

“I’m going to try.” Tate shot a look at Mario, wondering exactly what he’d told Wil.

“He knows,” Mario said. “I figured it was best he did.”

“We don’t want Jonah here,” Wil put in with a sharp nod of his head. “He’s not a nice man.” He looked up at Tate. “Are you a nice man?”

Tate chuckled. “So I’ve been told. You want to tag along while I check the place out?”

“Can I?” Wil’s face lit up. He looked at the bag Tate had slung over his shoulder. “Do you got guns and stuff in there.”

“Have,” Mario said automatically.

“Have. Do you?” Wil didn’t take his eyes off of Tate.

“No guns I’m afraid, but yeah there’s ‘stuff’ in case we need it.”

“Can I see?”

“Wil,” Mario said firmly. “I’m sure when the time comes you can but first we need to show him around.”

“That might be a good idea,” Tate said with a chuckle.

Half an hour later Tate had a good idea what more should be added to make the duplex safer from intruders, especially from Jonah.

“Your security system is good,” he told Mario, “as far as it goes. Unfortunately whoever installed, probably the owner, it didn’t cover the second floor. Those stops you have on the windows up there wouldn’t keep a determined person from opening them. You need to alarms on them linked into the system like the ones down here, and on the back gate. I’d also suggest security cameras.”

Mario nodded. “You can do all this? Oh, and what if someone tries to break in when we’re not here?”

“I can. Setting up security is one of my specialties. When I’m finished the system will send any alerts to your cell when you’re not at home.”

“Then let’s do it.”

Wil asked sleepily, “Can I help you Tate?”

“Sure, but not tonight. I think it’s probably your bedtime.”

“It is,” Mario said firmly when Wil started to protest. “You have school tomorrow.”

“But daddy…”

“No buts. Upstairs now. I’ll be up in a minute.”

“I never got to see…” Wil pointed to Tate’s bag.

With a glance at Mario, Tate said, “If it’s all right with your dad I’ll show you when you’re ready for bed.”

Wil immediately jumped up and raced upstairs.