"I really hate this," Joey's mother told Glenn as they sat at a table in the back of the coffeehouse. They’d taken advantage of a lull to have Glenn tell her what he felt was needed to keep her and Joey safe in the event that Mr. Fairburn decided to put in an appearance.
"I'm sure you do, I would too if I were in your place." He paused, tapping a finger on his notes. "One could almost hope he would show up and soon. Then this would be over and done with."
"Bite your tongue," she growled in reply. "But, yes, I suppose you've got a point. Tell me honestly, do you think he will?"
"Honestly, I have no idea. I will tell you that I've put out feelers to try and find out where Miss Nye went. In my opinion, she would be the first one he'd go after if he's holding any sort of grudge."
She frowned deeply. "If he can find her then he can find us."
"That was my thought as well, although his finding her depends on how well she went undercover so to speak." Then he asked her, "Does he know you've got family here?"
"Yes, and I know it was probably stupid for me to bring us here but I thought it might be safer because I'd have Harv to protect us and he's good friends with the police chief so… well you understand, don't you?"
"I do." He reached across the table to pat her hand. "And in some ways it was a very logical move on your part."
She quickly pulled her hand away which caused him to raise an eyebrow in surprise. Her mouth tightened as she glanced over to the counter and saw Joey watching them with unfeigned interest, then she looked hard at Glenn. "This may not be the time to ask but I want to know, are you interested in my son?"
Glenn smiled slightly. "I take it he said something to you so I'll tell you straight out that I'm not going to try to have my wicked way with him, as it were. He's just a kid no matter what he thinks."
"That did not answer my question. Are you interested in him?"
Glenn started to reply then stopped as he seriously considered what she was asking. A frown furrowed his brow for a long minute then faded away. "I don't know how to reply to that," he finally said with some hesitation. "I enjoy his company, what little of it I've had. He makes me smile, which I'll readily admit is something I'm not used to doing. If he was older, or I was younger, I might try to see if something could happen between us. But we're not. I suspect he might be seeing me as," he winced slightly, "the father he wished he'd had."
"Believe me, Glenn, he is not looking at you as a father figure by any stretch of the imagination."
"I'm curious. What exactly did he say to make you think that?"
She chuckled. "He blurted out that he's been dreaming about you, and I gather it was not about baseball games in the park or you taking him to the county fair or helping him with homework."
"Oh man," Glenn said softly.
"Exactly. Which is why I started this conversation in the first place. I won't let you hurt him, Glenn."
"I have no intention of doing that."
"Of doing what?" Joey asked when he suddenly appeared beside the table. He poured fresh coffee for them, telling them he thought they might have needed more.
"Of bringing in someone from outside to act as a bodyguard," Glenn said. It was the first thing he could think of that made sense. As he leaned back, hoping that would satisfy the kid, he took the opportunity to look at Joey in light of the information his mother had given him. Although young, he realized Joey couldn’t really be described as a ‘kid’. He was a young man and a very handsome one at that. Brown curly hair, perhaps a bit too long but somehow it seemed to accent his high cheekbones. And his mouth, that very sensual mouth which begged to be kissed. Glenn could imagine devouring those soft pouty lips, his tongue delving within to tangle with Joey’s. With a shock he realized what he was doing and prayed Joey, and Joey’s mother, had been oblivious to it.
"Why would you want to; you can do it, can't you?" Joey’s eyes locked on Glenn’s mouth for a moment before he looked guilelessly at him, saying, "It is what you used to do, right?"
'Hoisted by my own petard,' Glenn thought ruefully. "Yes, it is," he replied out loud.
"Then there we go, one more problem solved." Joey smiled and walked back behind the counter.
"Oh boy," Glenn and Miriam whispered at the same time.