Monday, July 23, 2018

(14) Two vampires, a ghoul and a shifter.

Linden stretched, the early-afternoon sun bathing him with it's warmth as it spread across his bed. After savoring it for a few minutes, he forced himself to get up and moving. Half an hour later, showered, shaved and dressed in jeans and a tight T-shirt, he wandered downstairs to the kitchen.

Mrs. Pope looked up from what she was doing to ask, "Are you hungry?"

"Starving. I could eat a horse."

"I think Mr. Pope might object if you did," Helmut said, coming in from the pantry carrying a several jars that he set on the counter beside Mrs. Pope.

Linden sucked in a deep breath, his libido kicking into over-drive as he eyed the shifter. "Aren't you—I thought you—" he stuttered out.

Helmut grinned. "Yes I'm supposed to be patrolling the grounds with the others but Mrs. Pope needed a hand with these and I happened to be here, unlike a certain young man who looks as if he just woke up."

"I keep—strange hours I guess you could say."

"Half day, half night, it must be confusing."

"Nope, I'm used to it after all these years," Linden told him, regaining his self-confidence.

"So you and Piers—?" Helmut cocked an eyebrow.

"We're friends and more, but not the way you're thinking. I'm sorry that we gave you that impression when we first met but, well, you did come on a bit strong."

Helmut chuckled. "You flirted, I flirted back. Name of the game, kid."

"Linden." Mrs. Pope tapped his shoulder. "Do you want a sandwich or something more substantial?"

"Oh, a sandwich would be great. Thank you," he replied, still looking at Helmut.

With a wink at Linden, Helmut said, "You eat now before she thinks you don't like her food. I have to get back to my duties." Seconds later he was gone. Linden hurried to the door in time to see a handsome wolf disappearing into the trees at the far end of the back lawn.

"Be wary of that one," Mrs. Pope cautioned moments later as she set a plate holding two large sandwiches on the table along with a glass of milk. "He's not one to be faithful."

"I wasn't—"

"Oh yes you were," she said, patting Linden's shoulder. "Now eat."


  1. sometimes you need relief not a mate! lol but maybe Linden has a special aura about him that Helmut may come to crave..hehehe
