Friday, June 15, 2018

My Brother’s Keeper - 40

“I’m going to kill him,” Roy growled.

“Not if I get to him first.” Tad laughed, curling up closer behind Roy as he called out, “Go make your own breakfast Jerry and leave us alone.”

“Well, if that’s the way you’re going to be,” Jerry huffed. He smacked the bedroom door one more time before he walked away.

Tad rolled his eyes when Jerry’s laughter drifted back to them. “This is going to be very interesting. Maybe you should send him off to military school until he’s eighteen?”

Roy chuckled. “I’ll definitely consider it if he keeps this up.”

“I suppose we should get up and moving, now that he’s awake. Besides you two have to meet with Max sometime today.”

Roy rolled over to look at him. “You’ll come too? I mean this does sort of involve you now. That is if you meant it when you said… Well…you know.”

“I meant every word of it. I want you here and he’s part of the package, so of course I’ll come with you.” He cupped Roy’s cheek in one hand while kissing him deeply. When he decided that another second more and they wouldn’t be getting up he pulled away. “Move it boy.”

Roy groaned as he sat up. “Tomorrow morning…”

“I have classes, which I’ve missed for the last couple of days. But tonight…”

“Damn. Don’t you have them today too? You’d better be the one to get moving.”

“At this point missing one more day isn’t going to make that much difference.”

“Go. I don’t want to feel responsible for your flunking out or something.”

Tad smiled and slid out of bed. “Make you a deal. I’ll go but you have to call me the second you know when and where you’re meeting Max and I’ll cut out and join you.”

“All right, I guess that works. How are you getting there though? Your car is useless now.”

“Ugh, good point. I could…no, that wouldn’t be a good idea.”

Roy’s eyebrows rose. “Call the girlfriend?”

“Ex-girlfriend at this point as far as I’m concerned though I guess…” Tad sighed, “I guess I have to tell her that.”

“That would probably be a good idea.”


  1. He better be walking and NOT calling that thang! Lol Jerry still being a little butt! Hopefully his instructors will be lenient or let him make up the work.
