Wednesday, December 13, 2017

(52) When all else is lost the future still remains

Shan feinted then switched the knife to his other hand, coming in low to get under Race’s guard. He resisted smiling when the younger man anticipated his move and stepped back on one foot, swiveling as his other foot arced up to connect with Shan’s forearm.

“Not bad,” Shan told him.

“Logic and a bit of street fighting in my background. There are some dudes out there that don’t like taking ‘no’ for an answer if they want your money or more. I didn’t like fighting them and avoided it most of the time but…” Race shrugged.

As Race talked Shan watched, waiting for him to let down his guard. When he appeared to have, Shan hurled forward, intending to knock him to the ground. Race moved just as quickly, grabbing Shan’s arm and twisting hard, throwing Shan completely off balance. The next thing he knew he was the one on the ground, Race’s blade against his throat.

“Now I am impressed,” Shan growled as he watched Race’s eyes for tells about his next move.

What happened was completely unexpected, as far as Shan was concerned. Without moving the knife a fraction of an inch Race bent lower, taking Shan’s mouth in an intensely administered kiss that took Shan’s breath away. Then, as suddenly as he’d done that, Race stood and backed away.

“Interesting fighting technique,” Shan murmured, trying to make light of what had just happened, and calm his suddenly very awake cock.

Race’s eyes raked over Shan and his lips quirked up. “I doubt it would work on just anyone.”

Getting to his knees, Shan tapped a finger to his lips as if pondering a rejoinder. Then he lunged, grabbing Race’s ankle to bring him down flat on his back. “Turn about…” he growled, moving swiftly to straddle Race and give back a kiss as good as the one he’d gotten. Race gasped in surprise, which allowed Shan to plunge his tongue deeply into the younger man’s mouth, plundering it. Seconds later Race was reciprocating, his tongue battling Shan’s as he dove in for the kill, delving into the Were’s mouth to taste and tease.

Neither man gave an inch as hands began exploring bared chests and backs, moving rapidly to the find zippers and tear them open. Race wrapped his fingers around Shan’s engorged cock, reveling in the size of it. Shan was no less recalcitrant, lifting his hips just enough to grip and stroke Race before sliding down to take his balls into his mouth, sucking each one, rolling them over his tongue as if they were especially tasty hard candies.

Race arched up even as he bemoaned losing his hold on Shan’s cock. “More,” he begged and was rewarded as Shan released his balls to lap his tongue over his leaking slit and then engulf his cock in the heat of his mouth.


  1. WOW WEE! getting ready to rumble! Loved it I hope they are happy together and stand by each other

    1. It would be a hell of an ending to the story if they didn't. Right?

  2. I imagine they will have several seconds thoughts about starting something with each other! I am just hoping, you like throwing some twist in there, making me growling

  3. Replies
    1. It sometimes takes the right man---and perseverance. Right?
