Saturday, November 1, 2014

13 - ‘Come gentle night…’

“Stupid kid, I thought I warned you about being out after dark.”

Kemp began to shake as the reality of what had happened took hold. He looked up at the man and found his gaze caught by deep lavender eyes. The man held out a hand and hesitantly Kemp took it, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet.

“At least you used your head finally.” The man laughed at his own joke as he sheathed his sword and then looked Kemp over appraisingly.

“What’s wrong?” Kemp asked, not dropping his eyes. “Oh, and umm, thank you for, you know.”

“For saving your life? Think nothing of it. It gave me a chance to rid the world of a trio of lowlifes.”

“You mean vampyres.”

The man chuckled. “Glad you realize what they were. I was beginning to wonder just how stupid you are, all things considered.”

“Oh I knew alright, well once they attacked you.” Kemp turned, looking for someplace to sit before he fell down. He wasn’t that certain his legs would hold him up much longer. There was a small fountain in the center of the courtyard and he staggered to it, collapsing on the edge.

The man joined him, resting one foot on the rim. “Your first time being in on a kill?” Kemp nodded and the man looked puzzled. “What about your father?”

“You’re kidding. I’d never kill him or my brother. Damn. Believe it or not they’re good…well you know, people, vampyres, whichever.”

The man paused before responding, his thoughts obviously turning inwards for a moment. “Yes,” he said softly, “there are a few of those. Though not the ones we dealt with tonight.”

“Can I ask,” Kemp said hesitantly, “are you a dhampir?”

“You really don’t know do you? In fact you didn’t know those three were vampyres until after they dragged you in here.”

Kemp shook his head. “I haven’t…I don’t want to let that part of me out. I’m afraid of what will happen if I do.”

“You learn to control it. If you’re smart you learn that from the beginning. If you’re like me, well let’s just say it took a long time for me get past the idea that the only good vampyre was a dead one.” He sat down beside Kemp. “I’m Trevor by the way, and if you want, I can help you become what you are destined to be.”

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