Monday, June 17, 2013

The family that preys together…- 44

“We meet again,” Crispin said teasingly as Kent sat down beside him on the edge of the pool. “Ready to see if you can beat me this time?”

Kent grinned. “Over and back and the winner gets…humm…”

“A kiss,” Crispin suggested, feeling both daring and needy. This was the first time since Kent had dropped him off at home Sunday morning that the two of them seen each other.

Kent’s eyebrows rose in surprise but he nodded. “You’re on.” He stood and dove into the water, Crispin doing the same seconds later. They hit the far wall at the same moment, doing flip turns to head back to their starting point. Crispin managed to draw into the lead only to be overtaken half way across the pool by the younger man. Kent touched the edge of the pool first and hung there, catching his breath. He let out a gasp when strong hands grabbed his waist and pulled him down until his feet hit the bottom of the pool. Then a hot, hungry mouth captured his. He wrapped his arms around Crispin and they kissed until the need for air forced them to return to the water’s surface.

Quickly they broke apart and Crispin glanced around to see if anyone seemed have noticed.

“Would it have mattered if anyone saw us?” Kent inquired quietly.

“No,” Crispin replied slowly. “I don’t suppose it would have. No one’s here who knows me.”

“I see.” Kent put his hands on the edge of the pool and leveraged himself up to sit looking down at Crispin. “And if there had been you’d what, tell them they misread what they thought they saw.” His words were angry and full of hurt.

“No. Yes. God I don’t know Kent. Maybe.” Crispin clung to the rim of the pool, one hand resting on Kent’s leg. “I’ve never been in a situation like this before.”

Kent smiled wanly. “If I were a woman you’d think nothing of it and neither would anyone else. Well I hate to point this out but…” He stood quickly, his anger coming to the forefront again, “but I’m not, and if you can’t accept that you just might be interested in me despite the fact that I’m male then what I thought was starting to happen is ending right now.”

“Wait…” Crispin pulled himself from the pool, watching as Kent almost ran for the door. “Wait damn it, give me a chance to… To explain.” He whispered the last words as Kent vanished into the locker room.

He started after him then paused. He wasn’t ready to have a confrontation with Kent in public about their relationship, if they even had one now. He was tense, hungry for the game which still wouldn’t be played out for a couple more days. Knowing himself, a confrontation at the moment would escalate quickly into more if he lost his temper and that would most definitely bring an end to any possibility of his being able to mend what had happened.

Friday, he thought, Friday night when it’s over, when he’s calmed down and I’m in control of myself again. Then I’ll make things right between us.