Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The family that preys together…- 17

‘The Cell Phone Killer strikes again’ the headlines screamed.

Bryant shook his head as he tossed it to Crispin. “A bit dramatic, but it works.”

After reading the accompanying story Crispin nodded in agreement. “We’ll have to lay back for a couple of weeks though. The cops are going to be out in force.”

“True.” Bryant sighed. “But,” his face lit up, “that’ll give us time to plan who to go after next and for what.”

Booting up the computer, Crispin brought up their list. “It’s getting shorter,” he muttered.

“When we get to the end we start over. After all up until now no one knows about what we’ve been doing.”

“Very good point.” While Bryant stood beside him Crispin ran the cursor down the list. Finally he stopped, looking up at his brother. “This one? It really could actually make life easier for some people.”

Bryant nodded. “I like.” Glancing at his watch he turned away, picking up his jacket from the back of the sofa. “Time for us to get moving.”

“Yep. Got to keep up appearances. I swear I’m half tempted to see if I can work from home.”

With a grin Bryant tapped the newspaper. “We do.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, you nut. That won’t pay the bills.”

“Too true, too true.” Bryant waited while his brother shut down the computer and gathered up what he needed.

They walked companionably downstairs, stopping in the kitchen to pick up the travel mugs of coffee the cook had left for them. When they reached the four-car garage they noted that the van was missing.

“Guess father felt the urge again,” Crispin said.

“Not surprising. It has been a while.” Bryant saluted the empty space with a smile. “Good hunting, father.”


  1. Just caught up on a few posts, getting more 'ew' now!

    1. Yep, there's definitely an 'ew' factor woven through the story. But what did you expect? They are serial killers. *G*
