Thursday, January 24, 2013

Caomhnóir – Manny - 16

“An interesting idea, and it took a human to see it.”

Manny nodded, turning from the window to look at Alasdair. “A special human, in case you haven’t gathered that already.”

“I have. It is written on your face. Not that I approve, but I know there is nothing I can do to stop this. Does Sofietje know?”

“Yes. I think she feels the way you do, that there’s not a damned thing she can really do about it either.”

Alasdair chuckled. “Those could be famous last words, but I doubt that they are. You may be under our command and expected to do as we order, but we understand the heart, and its need for love. Just be very certain that he knows that one wrong word could be the end of you, and possibly him as well.”

“I think he does, but I’ll make quite sure he understands.’

“Is there any chance that he’s the one who revealed where you were going when you went after that Scriostóir?”

Manny bristled for a moment, and then calmed. He knew it was a logical if unwelcome question. “No. When I left after Cerdic and Godric’s deaths it was to report in to Sofietje. By the time I came back Hamlin was gone, so there’s no way he could have known.”

“Very good. Now, to take up this idea of his. There are two possibilities that I can think of. One, the Scriostóir was intent on sending you a message that he was not amused by what you did.”

With a shake of his head, Manny indicated he disagreed. “This was a Scriostóir I was dealing with. He would have come after me himself, to make certain I never bothered him or any of his kind ever again.”

“Quite probably. Therefore, the other choice is that you have made an enemy, or enemies, who are human and have no idea what you are.”

“And I suppose those could be legion, after all the work I did for Cerdic.”

“Or it could be one or two men who don’t believe the story about the fire which supposedly killed Cerdic.”

“Gebhard and Mr. Shadrick.” Manny nodded. “I guess they could have been behind the shooting.”

“Find out, boy.”

“Yes, mijn commandant,” Manny replied.

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