Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Thief and the White Knight - 12

"Hey, sexy," Tito said as Pia appeared from the back hall of the restaurant. "Sneaking in again?"

"I don't sneak, and how would you know if I'm sexy or not?" she replied with a grin.

"Well someone's in a good mood today." He gave her a hug. "And I may not be a connoisseur of beautiful women but I still know what constitutes sexy in a straight man's eyes and you're definitely it."

She smiled up at him. "Thanks, amico. As for my mood, I figured after inflicting my bad one on you for the last three months it was about time I took hold of myself and got over—things."

"I'm glad. I missed the 'you' I know and love. So, you want to eat and tell me what's in the works with you these days?"

"The same old same old," she replied, pulling out a chair and sitting. "I have another job."

Tito cocked an eyebrow, spinning another chair around, straddling it with his arms crossed on the back as he looked at her. "Day job or otherwise?"

"Otherwise, and legit. Well as legit as working for the cops can be."

"That was some trade-off," he said with a chuckle.

"Keeps my ass out of jail and still lets me do what I'm good at. And," she grinned, "they turn a blind eye when I do one on my own as long as the victim is insured up the ass."

"You need any help?"

Pia shook her head. "I might have a pass in case of trouble; I don't think that would apply to you though. Besides, Harry would kill me if I took you along."

"That I would," Harry said, coming up behind Tito. When his lover looked up at him, he got a kiss that curled his toes.

"Break it up, boys, virgin eyes here," Pia said with a laugh.

"Hey, that's not my fault. You need to find your own knight in shining armor," Tito joked without thinking. He regretted it instantly when Pia immediately sobered. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

"Nothing to be sorry about," she told him with an decent attempt at a smile. "Now what was it you said about feeding me? I'm starving."

* * * *

"Harry?" Tito said, rolling on his side to look at his lover.


"Do you know where to find him?"

"I'm presuming you mean Detective Reede, considering what happened earlier tonight. Pia's got it bad even if she won't admit it."

"She doesn't, not even to herself I think. So, do you?"

"No, but I can find out." Harry rubbed his knuckles along Tito's jaw. "First though you have to tell me why, not that I can't guess."

"I want to talk to him. I may be way off base since I've never really even seen the man except for those few seconds between the time he shot Demarco and when he left the room afterwards but—"

"Go on," Harry said when Tito went quiet.

"The look on his face, Harry, when Pia saw him, then swore at him before telling the cop in charge she'd rather go to jail rather than stay in the same room with him. I know that look, Harry. It was just like the one I had on my face when you left because I betrayed your trust. He betrayed her, and he knew it, and he hated himself because he loves her."

"So you go out there and talk to him, then what? Just because he loves her, if he does, isn't going to change how she's feeling. It's not easy learning to trust again, and quite honestly, my love, what he did was much worse than what you did, from what I understand of the situation. He knew he was using her, manipulating her into doing what the police wanted as part of the whole setup. The moment he figured out that something was developing between them he should have stepped away. And then that stunt he pulled at the end, it could have gotten both you and Pia killed."

"But it didn't. He probably saved our lives!" Tito told him emphatically before he said quietly. "I understand what you're saying, but damn it Harry, she's hurting. Other than you, she's my best friend in the world. I have to do something."

Wrapping his arms around Tito, Harry kissed his temple. "Alright, I'll find out where he is."

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