Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Writer and the Ghosts - 12

“You must be Linc,” the young man said as Linc dropped down next to him. “I’m Tom, that’s Jeff,” he tilted his head towards the blonde on sitting on the other side of him, “and he’s Neal.” Tom pointed to the third young man, a red-head, who was leaning against the tree staring pensively off into space. “He’s sort of shy,” Tom whispered, “but a nice kid when he deigns to talk.”

Neal glanced over, lifted his can of beer in acknowledgement then went back to whatever he was thinking about.

“So,” Tom said, “I hear you’re a writer.”

Linc nodded. “I have two books published, horror stories.” He decided not to mention the main characters were gay. He figured that wasn’t the way to impress them. Not that he cared about doing that but still… Tom at least seemed friendly enough.

“Aren’t you a bit young to have two books out,” Jeff asked, leaning forward to look at Linc.

“I didn’t realize there was an age limit,” Linc shot back, bristling.

“Jeff’s just jealous,” Tom said. “Like the rest of us he’s living with the parental units.”

“Only until the wedding,” Jeff replied. “Then I’m moving into my own place. Well our own place.”

“Allie’s own place if you want to get technical,” Tom said with a grin.

“She’s my sister,” Neal said softly as he shifted so he could join the conversation.

Linc glanced at the two girls he’d seen with the women. “Bet she’s the redhead. When’s the wedding?”

“End of the month,” all three young men replied at once. Tom laughed. “Sorry but that seems to be the question of the hour. Do you have a girlfriend lucking somewhere Linc?’

“Not at the moment, no,” Linc answered truthfully.

“Maybe we should introduce him to Lisa, that’s the girl with Allie,” Jeff said with a smirk.

Tom shook his head. “She’d eat him alive. Besides she seems to have set her cap for Neal, or whatever it is women do.”

Neal shuddered. “If she wasn’t going to be Allie’s bridesmaid I’d tell her to go home. She’s…scary.”

“What are you worried about anyway? You’ve got Susan.”

Neal smiled softly. “Yeah I do and if she didn’t have to work she’d be here…”

A crash of thunder followed by a bolt of lightening cut him off, and then the skies opened up. The women screamed, grabbed bowls and plates of food, and raced for the house. Linc dashed over to help his father put the chicken onto platters while another man speared the steaks off the grill and dumped them into a cooking tray. The rain hitting the fire created billowing smoke which made the job even harder.

“Here, let me,” Tom said from behind Linc, reaching around him to take one overly full platter of almost cooked chicken. He pushed some of it off onto a second platter, yelped and sucked his fingers. “Hot, hot.”

Linc couldn’t help but say, “Well duh,” even as he watched Tom. His finger sucking struck Linc as very erotic. Quickly he turned away, picking up the second platter then heading to the house.

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