Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mario - A Story - 30

(A day early, because I'll be having guests here tomorrow and Friday. Please stop by to see what they have to say - E.)

As they walked back to where both of them had parked their cars Tate put his arm around Mario. Instead of feeling he should pull away as he always had before, Mario leaned into it. It felt good, right, and he didn’t want that to change. He was still uncertain that something truly good was happening between them but he was willing to take the chance. If he was wrong…well he’d survived Jonah and moved on. He supposed he could survive if Tate changed his mind and walked away.

Tate felt Mario start to tense up where a moment ago he’d been relaxed. So he stopped to look down at him and ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Mario replied instantly. “Why?”

Tate put his hands firmly on Mario’s waist. “Something is. If we start what…we’re starting…by keeping secrets from each other…” He lifted one hand to touch Mario’s cheek. “No secrets, please. Whatever it is I can take it.”

Mario dropped his eyes for a second the raised them again. “I’m not having second thoughts but…what if you do?”

“Isn’t that a risk we all take when we fall for someone? I could ask the same question in return. Mario, life is full of ‘what ifs’. Should we all walk alone so we don’t take the chance we might get hurt?”

Mario shook his head slowly. “That would be awful.”

“Exactly. I want you in my life; I think you want me in yours. Let’s just go with it and see what happens. I for one believe it’s going to be great.”

‘Yes. Yes it will be.” Mario’s smile was radiant as he said that and realized he believed it. He wrapped his arms around Tate’s neck then kissed him enthusiastically.  
‘Whoa,’ Tate thought as he returned the kiss with relish, ‘when he makes a decision he definitely goes with it. I think this could turn out to be a very interesting relationship.’


Two months later…

“Daddy, look.”

Mario glanced up from what he was doing to stare in horror when he saw Wil hanging by his knees from a branch of the large oak tree, dangling at least ten feet off the ground. “Don’t move,” he shouted as he dashed over to stand underneath him. “How the hell…”

“Don’t swear, daddy,” Wil admonished him. Then he grabbed the branch to pull himself back up.

“Yeah, daddy, don’t swear,” Tate said with a chuckle as he came up beside Mario. He held out his arms and told Wil to jump.

“Yay,” Wil crowed, and did.

Tate caught him, swung him around then put him down. “Time for supper so go wash your hands.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Mario muttered as he watched his son dash across the backyard, “If I don’t die of a heart attack first from his antics.”

“If you haven’t died of one from my ‘antics’,” Tate murmured against Mario’s ear, taking the opportunity to swipe a lick over it at the same time, “then his won’t kill you.”

Mario shivered, his cock hardening as it always did when Tate pulled that. “If you keep that up…”

Tate went for the obvious. “You’ll be more ‘up’ than you already are.” He palmed Mario’s growing erection through his tight jeans.

“Stop that, damn it,” Mario growled, laughing.

“And if I don’t?”

“Remember there’s a hungry kid inside and you told him it was time for supper. I’d like to eat too…” Mario quickly put his hand over Tate’s mouth. “That was not a double entendre.”

Tate’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he pulled the hand away. “Now would I make it into one?”

Mario snorted. “In a heart beat.”

“Yeah, true,” Tate admitted. He dipped his head to kiss his lover quickly but thoroughly then looked down at his crotch. “Deep breath, Mario, because supper awaits and so does your son.”

Mario took the ordered deep breath, calmed down then linked his arm with Tate’s and walked with him into their house, their home, smiling happily.

The End


  1. As always man, good piece of work. Seriously dope.

  2. Thanks, Rat. Glad you enjoyed. Stay tuned as they say for a new story in a couple of days.

  3. Oh wow. I really enjoyed this. Thank you so much.
