Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mario - A Story - 27

For the next few days Mario was on tenterhooks as he waited for the other shoe to drop. Every time the phone rang he expected it to be the detectives ordering him to come in for questioning again. Forson did call once, but just to inform him he could pick up his car from the impound lot. Mario did, happy to have it back again. Cabs definitely ate into his budget.   

Tate stopped by twice, just to say ‘Hi’ before telling Mario, and Wil, that he was so busy he couldn’t stay for more than a couple of minutes. The second time it happened, Mario watched his walk away, back to his car, and figured what he’d thought might have been the beginning of something between them was just Tate helping him stay sane until it was over.

So when Tate showed up at the restaurant just before closing time Friday afternoon Mario put it down to just another drive-by ‘Hello/Good-bye

Tate took a vacant seat at the end of Mario’s counter and smiled at him as he approached with his order book ready. “I’m not…”

“Staying, yeah I know,” Mario broke in.

“No, I was going to say I’m not hungry, yet. So I was thinking when I get there I’d like some company while I eat.” He looked seriously at Mario. “Would you care to be that company?”


“I think you should say yes since I’ve already arranged for Maria to pick Wil up from school, and made dinner reservations, and I’d feel really stupid if you said no.”

“You what?” Mario looked at him in shock then a small smile played over his lips. “This is for real?”

“For very real, so how about you do whatever it is you have to do to get out of here.” Tate rested his elbows on the counter and smiled back at Mario, “Because I’m not leaving without you.”

* * * *

Tate sighed in relief, but to himself, when Mario actually reappeared from the kitchen with his jacket on, ready to leave. He had almost expected him to change his mind and vanish out the back door of the restaurant.

“Ready?” Tate asked as he got up when Mario stopped beside him.

“Ready.” Mario looked about as nervous as Tate felt, Tate just hid it better.

They left the restaurant but rather than returning to his car Tate said it was nice enough to walk to where they were going. As they walked Tate told Mario stories about some of the clients he’d dealt, embroidering their reasons for hiring him until he managed to make Mario laugh a time or two at the inanities of the situations. ‘Laughter looks good on him,’ he thought, although he wouldn’t tell Mario, figuring it would just embarrass him at best or worse make him freeze up just when he was starting to relax.

“Here we are,” Tate said when they turned the corner onto one of the side streets and he pointed to their destination.

“Tate, I know about this restaurant and it’s too expensive. No. No way.”

“I think it’s my choice isn’t it? And I’m not doing it to impress you. Well…maybe a little, but honest I’ve eaten here before. The food’s great, the atmosphere is perfect, just please let me do this.”

Mario bit his lip then nodded. “Alright.” He smiled up at Tate. “I’ve always wondered what it was like.”

“And tonight you get to find out.”

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